I never fill out these things, but.....here goes!
1. What color is your Underwear? black
2. What kinda deordorant do you use? I don't really pay any notice...i think sure for women or something?
3. Do you drink? Occasionally. wine wine wine!
4. How about smoke? smoked cigarettes for a few months but hated it so...stopped!
5. Are you amused easily? i think so
6. What is your favorite candy? skittles. or maltesers. are they candy?
7. What color are your tennis shoes? what are tennis shoes? i don't think i have any
8. What sport CANT you play? every sport
9. What sport CAN you play? is dancing a sport?!
10. How many m&ms can you fit in your mouth? NO idea!
11. Do you or have you had braces? nope, luckily i have naturally straight teeth!
12. Whats your fav. holiday? london, edinburgh, france in general..
13. Dont you just LOVE chocolate? nope
14. What color highlighter do you use most? I love highlighters! green or yellow methinks
15. Would you kiss the same sex? only when under the influence :

16. WAIT! Have u kissed the same sex before? sort of...
17. Was your last boyfriend/girlfriend a jerk? i've only had one and he's not an ex OR a jerk
18. Have you played Spin the bottle? no
19. How bout 7 minutes in Heaven? what is that? is that where you go in a closet or something? well i haven't played it!
20. How many piercings do you have? ears and tongue
21. What EXOTIC color would u dye your hair? I would LOVE bright red hair
22. Is your grandma Rad? yep!
23. Can you skateboard? hell no
24. Can you surf? not really
25. How many hours a day are you on the computer? two? sometimes more. like today...
26. Whats the HOTTEST piercing a person could have? i would LOVE to get my lip pierced, but on other people..it depends!
27. How many lives do cats REALLY have? um, one?...
28. Do you have a fish tank? not any more
29. What is your favorite cereal? oatibix and weetabix!
30. Do you eat cafeteria food? yes. yuck
31. Where is the HOTTEST place a guy could have a tattoo? lower arms, mmm. and back. i love tattoos
32. Where is the HOTTEST place for a FEMALE? dunno. not on the small of their back though! i hate that
33. How many siblings do you have? two bruvas
34. Do u have kids? nope
35. How many GOOD friends do u have? 1..maybe 2. or maybe 3. but not so much any more. mostly 1
36. How many enemies? i hope none!
37. Are you sentimental? yes, it sucks
38. Do you cry easily? so easily!
39. Are you by any chance EMO? nah
40. What animal would best describe YOU? um...a cat? I've no idea!
41. Do you smile a lot? yeah, i tend to laugh when i get nervous
42. Have you EVER fell down stairs? yup
43. HoolaHoop or jump-rope? jump rope! yay!
44. Can u say your ABCs BACKWARdS? i don't think i'm bothered doing that really!
45. Getting Blown kisses or getting winked at? neither, bla
46. Do you wear FAKE NAILS? no way
47. Have you ever BEEN in love? yesh
48. Play Checkers? no. SCRABBLE!
49. Britney Or Cristina? yuck
50. Fav. fruit? green apples and oranges, and mmm pineapple
51. MOST BORING tv. show? soaps, blargh
52. Friends w/ benefits or RElationship? i've never had a friend with benefits..could be interesting
53. Hot cheetos or regular? they don't have these in ireland!
54. What did u wanna be when u were little? A fashion designed. and a potter, dunno where i got that from!
54. How many hearts have u broken? none that i know of...
55. Glasses, HOT or NOT? can be hot!
56. Fav. fragrance? mmm vanilla. and food in general!
57. Are you illiterate? no, i'm reading this!
58. Have u ever dated a metro? no
59. What color is the bra u have on? white
60. WAIT! are u wearing a bra? yes, yes i am
61. Do u play HARD 2 GET? no, no-one is interested enough to pursue me!
62. Toungue pierced: attractive OR unattractive? attractive!
63. Have u ever wished u had SOMEONE elses body? heck yes! my body sucks