Bad Dating Experiences


I've had some good hookups which have lasted a few months, and been on holidays.

There is just no difference between a girlfriend and employer

Everyone has their tight preferences, like holding their hand at your throat
You have to be exactly what they want. No compromise or tolerance.

War of perfection. Everyone has everything their way apart from me.

Before my join date here, I've had luck in life and been waiting for more

I think what I'm hunting for is for any person to describe me verbosely, in full detail, which may be too much to ask for the boring, mainstream people. They'd run away and say 'OK. or... uh... dunno...
I have been waiting for a personal verdict on me to tell me all about my failures, so I can learn and brush up.

Any conversation seems to fail, cuz we have different perspectives.

Interested in finding any person who was born to retired parents age 50 with no siblings. I wonder about the probability. Essentially a possible partner with that situation, so we have something to share and build from.

I certainly never bring up my issue with anyone. I just subtly assess quickly if people I meet are not similar. Haunted by my past and strong belief that a lot of people would be doing better if I wasn't born. Me too. And parents
I could go on....but, moral of the story is: don't give up. Sometimes you have to kiss a lot of frogs to find your prince/princess. When you do find someone who is perfect for you, all those bad experiences will just become funny little anecdotes that you post on forums to amuse people.

Isn't that perhaps part of the dating game problem? We all expect a prince or princess?


Well-known member
went out with a girl my freshmen year in high school (3 years ago) and to make a long story short she cheated on me... funny thing back then i use to look like a stick now my senior year i really shaped up she dint even recognize me after her friend talked to me in on of the football game, since then she keeps on bothering me telling me to give her a chance and with a big smile on my face i said "hell no!"