Back to from where I started


Well-known member
When I started college I was so excited. I thought I would love it, but no its just the same I was recently threatened twice by 2 different people. They called me names they posted things on facebook. One of them made fun of me for all my mental issues she befriended me I trusted her she was the first person to talk to me in months. She learned about my schizophrenia and depression, now she's passing it around. I'm back to being a loner at school. I really thought college would be better I can't even focus on my work my parents got me an ea cause I'm autistic. I just hope no one makes fun of me for having an ea. I just want the bullying to stop I've had enough.


Well-known member
Sorry this had to happen to you. You need to tell a counselor and your parents what's happening. This is discrimination and bullying. No one should have to suffer through this.