Awkward Moments!


Well-known member
You got any seriously, socially awkward moments, or awkward things that happened in a public place? lol I'm making this post cause.. the other day was horrible! haha

I was feeling VERY self-conscious and worried about my appearance and people looking at me, and basically walking around feeling super anxious.. Well..

While being so self-conscious.. I was in a store looking around.. I was walking towards the exit.. And instead of walking out the door... I walked like.. into their window display area! And the only thing that stopped me was the step that you had to go up to get into the area.. LOL! It was so gross.. I was just like.. O_O uhhhh... looked around, made sure no one saw me, laughed awkwardly, and then walked super fast away from that whole section of the mall, just incase someone had seen me. If I heard anyone laugh, I don't know what I would have done. It was such a weird uncomfortable experience.


Well-known member
Awww...haha, that is a funny story, and im sure if anyone saw it they would just laugh as well. Not becouse its stupid, its just funny.


Well-known member
I ran into a set of french doors in front of all my relatives......knocked my self out, split my lip and broke my toe lol....that was kinda harsh, i just hobbled off to bed.

My dog did it later so i didn't feel as bad, woot i'm as bright as my dog lol!


Well-known member
Aww.. you do feel silly don't you but you have to remember that people even if they saw you , will laugh at the moment but will soon forget.

Last year I felt really stupid. I was sitting on a lounger garden chair in my garden with all my in laws on a sunny day. The chair was on a bit of a hill and tipped over. I landed really hard on my bum on the bar of the folded up chair and spilt my hot tea all over myself so burned myself too. I was really hurt but just said I was OK. Carried on in pain til they had all gone home 24 hrs later and then got my husband to check my rear end. It was black and he made me go to hospital. Turned out I had cracked my pelvis. How stupid I felt and then havng to have my bum looked at in hospital too.

Its OK if you laugh, I think it's funny now.