AVPD and anger at authority

Hi, This threads to see what if any relation there is between authority figures and AVPD.

Not so much recently but more days then not throughout my childhood i'd be told to do something like go to bed, not understand the point of it and i'd fight back relentlessy till my ass was sore and we were both physically and emotionally exausted, usually damaging the house and eventually ended in a stalemate of me self harming or threatening to jump out of bedroom window. Regularly challenged police and teachers too.

Apparently this is uncommon with avpd. The guilt that came with this behaviour was extreme, but so was the stress that encouraged it. I think it centered around a emotionally agressive father and the fact i didn't understand why i should be treated harshly or given loads of weird restrictions i didn't get the purpose of.:shyness:

It translated into a hatred for institutions in general. So how do you feel about institutions?

How do you feel about authority and have you had many issues with authority figures in your life?
Could be parents, police, or whoever else you percieved as a authority figure?


Well-known member
I've always been mistrustful of official authority figures, but never had a problem with parents, except my inlaws


Well-known member
Apparently this is uncommon with avpd. The guilt that came with this behaviour was extreme, but so was the stress that encouraged it. I think it centered around a emotionally agressive father and the fact i didn't understand why i should be treated harshly or given loads of weird restrictions i didn't get the purpose of.

I have a rebellious personality, and I was particularly rebellious during my teenage years. My dad used to be strict with me, telling me to go to med school and ordering me to do certain things. Several times, he even hit me on the head with the newspaper for forgetting things, right in front of a relative. I got fed up with this, so I started to rebel. Whenever he ordered me to do things (such as play with my cousins), I intentionally mess things up and refuse to cooperate. I also did so many things behind my dad's back.

I also rebelled against my relatives. Some of them act so cocky thinking they can gossip and harass just about anybody. Whenever I see them, I refused to acknowledge them and even ignored them. So they eventually targeted me but even today, I refuse to bend over to their authority. I stopped going to family gatherings.
That's true with me as well, i intentionally failed at things i had the capability for due to being pressured, it's kind of ironic that if the best possible education possible was provided with no pressure, a lot of us would of went to Oxford or Yale instead of local loony bin. Well they do free online courses anyway and can book private exams.

I also don't do family gatherings, i always hated them and felt like a performer, the only reason for going was out of obligation and not wanting to hurt anyone's feelings.