Asked God for a sign today....


Well-known member
And as always he answered me loud and clear!!!!!!!

Besides getting a good vibe from my shyguy today..i prayed we would start the week off with him being more open (and not scared or avoident) so i know that i am still on the right track and continue doing the right thing AND HE WAS GOOD TODAY he came around a few times (when he didn't need to) and said hello to i was really glad about that.

Ok, now the BIG SIGN came after work...

I have been thinking about something small to give to my shyguy with my v-day card but everytime i go to the store i can't find anything that i think will go with his likes/hobbies...he loves baseball so i was thinking wouldn't it be great to find a box of chocolates with the yankee logo or shaped like a baseball. THAT WOULD BE PERFECT!!!!

So, today i went back AGAIN bcuz i needed a few things and there it was a small, baseball themed-heart shaped box of whitmans chocolates!!! He is a huge Yankees fan so i grabbed it and just smiled walking up to the cashier..thinking i got my sign and how perfect it was that the exact thing i envisioned for him was there right in front of me when i needed it to be AS ALWAYS - i was so happy :D

Cute idea - right????

Now i just have to figure out EXACTLY what i should write so there is no room for interpretation, speculation and/or misunderstanding on his part!!!!


Still would love to know what all of you would like to read in a card from a girl you like :)


Well-known member
Hi Tooshyshy. What's up? I think I responded to you b-4 and I don't want to be the damper in ur hamper but when I read ur post I get the big, enormous feeling that ur obsessing over this guy. I know u like him! You obviously like him! However, assuming Im not wrong and u were the person I responded to b-4, you might just be taking this "like" to another level. From reading ur posts, it seems like you read into everything ur shy guy does. You gotta take a step back! You gotta find a way to relax. Maybe God helped u find what u were focusing on. Or maybe u went to the store 2,3,4 times Looking for what God wanted u to buy for ur shy guy and finally you found something that caught ur eye. I just think that if u have faith in God, you need to Put ur faith in God. If it's meant to be, it will happen, right? Put it in God's hands & try not to focus so much of ur energy on making it happen. If ur shy guy likes you, he will (eventually) let u know. Just let ur shy guy know (one time) how u feel about him- in no uncertain terms so that u can't question weather or not he 'knows' and then leave it up to him.. or God. or whatever


Well-known member
Haha, you could right "I want to jump your bones"...I'd be laughing all day

Ohhh i've thought about!
But TooShyShy has done plenty of things already to try and hint at her feelings towards this guy. He is obviously extremely shy and from your other threads it does seem like there might be something there, and I think you should do that on Valentine's day, just give him the chocolates and tell him your feelings, and just let that be it, just get it out there once and for all!
I say go for it! Then it won't be all this wondering and hoping, you can tell him how you feel and then wait and see if he responds. Good luck!


Well-known member
Messages? I've just done a Google search for 'Valentine's messages' and there are lots of pages with ideas! How about this one for a start: Valentines Messages Cute Valentine Messages

There are a few adverts on there but if you ignore those there are pages of short card-style messages you could write in.


The shy guy may not be religious. I've been in a relationship with a very religious girl and the incompatibility was too much. I'm an atheist and so is my wife. It's important to share the same values.


Well-known member
I'll echo sabbath's sentiments. On another forum I frequent there's a girl who's in a relationship with a lad - they're about 20, both of them. They're both religious but he's far more so than she is. He's decided that god wants him to go and do missionary work, and although she's told him she needs his support right now (and therefore for him to be present), he seems set on going.

Despite her religious views she can't help but wonder (as she's told us) that she thinks he's using 'what god's told him to do' as an excuse for what he wants. And she's not pleased about that.

So discrepancies between religious beliefs can cause problems even between two religious people, let alone a theist and an atheist.


Well-known member
It's like worlds collide when there's a relationship between a religious and a non-religious person. Being an agnostic, I'd very much prefer a possible girlfriend to be so too. I also believe it's dangerous when some let their life be governed by their belief like that missionary bloke^^.


Well-known member
I believe in God but i am not the type that goes to church on Sundays..i have a strong faith and i believe we all have a destiny to discover & uphold and yes, i do believe God plays an important part in that BUT WE ALL HAVE FREE WILL and the right to chose which way we will go. Seriously, i know people far more religious then i will ever be..unless he is satanist--which i know he's not, he's catholic like me...then i can't see it being an issue.