'Depression really saps the libido... and unfortunately most anti-depressants repress it as well. When I was depressed, I never thought of myself as asexual... just didn't have much interest in it, or if I did, I just wasn't able to enjoy it- highly frustrating.'
Yup, i had a lot of instrusive thoughts about sex and it's meaning, and reduced the whole human race to a bunch of robots who lived on the pretext of 'the human race must continue!'. Which succeeded in completely putting me off sex (to the point that i'm still a virgin, despire having slept with a girl over two years ago but not managing to get it up; she was quite good looking, may i add! :/) I still think this sometimes, but i've somehow learned to accept it (I mean, even if there is no meaning to our lives, what's the point of avoiding the best thing it has to offer us!