Are you too depressed to go to work?


New member
I worked retail for a year and couldn't stand it every single day i showed up. i noticed for me that it wasn't really the customers that were making me feel really anxious, it was my co-workers. I hated being in the break room with them cause they all new each other from working there before me and i just was never able to establish a relationship with any of them. They were all nice, it was me who had the problem. It seemed like they all just talked to each other and avoided me but that was my mind plying tricks on me. Really I just wouldn't let any of them into my life. I quit 6 months ago and am currently not working. I did get hired but i soon relized that the feeling of having to deal with co-workers was too much to handle.


Well-known member
I haven't had a job for a while, but in the past I always slept really bad before I had to go to work, probably because of the anxiety. I'd always end up not sleeping before 3 am or later and go to work knackered.