Are you reading any book at the moment?


Well-known member
I've just started reading 'Scar tissue' the biography of Anthony Kiedis, it's pretty good so far.


Well-known member
umm....I just got done reading Breaking Dawn by Stephenie Meyer (didnt like it). Now im starting Extras by Scott Westerfeld.


Well-known member
I don't read much anymore because of the whole OCD issue. I end up rereading lines, and it becomes too frustrating. Most of the reading I do is school related.


I am always reading a couple of books. Life would be extremely boring if I didn't read. Although come to think of it, it is still pretty boring. :roll:


Well-known member
im currently rereading me talk pretty one day by daivd sedaris, its a blunt dry funny book.... i will even go as far as saying hes a better writer than augesten buroughs.


Jared Diamond - Collapse
and re-reading The five Gates of Hell by Rupert Thompson.. Read it years ago, one of THE best books I've ever read..


Well-known member
I'm always reading something. I swear I'd go insane without books. I live in a fantasy world. :roll:

Right now, I'm reading the Complete Fairy Tales of Oscar Wilde.
He was such a gorgeous soul. His stories make me cry.