Are you anxious even when not facing people?


Well-known member
I used to only get anxious when having to face people, and i could easily get relief from my anxiety by spending time in my room playing my guitar o'r going for a drive....Now i can't escape anxious feelings so i am anxious 24 -7, i can't concentrate on anything anymore because of repetitive thoughts going around my mind. I feel as if i am in a nightmare i can't wake up from.


Well-known member
yep i feel anxious a lot of the time just because im thinking about things that make me anxious, for example, im going to the Dr tomorrow to tell him i think i have SA.
everything stresses me out aswell, im not good with dealing with stress, its on my mind constantly.


Well-known member
All the time. I'm always thinking about the future (money) and my endless duties. I've to think about ten times before executing it.


Well-known member
recluse said:
I used to only get anxious when having to face people, and i could easily get relief from my anxiety by spending time in my room playing my guitar o'r going for a drive....Now i can't escape anxious feelings so i am anxious 24 -7, i can't concentrate on anything anymore because of repetitive thoughts going around my mind. I feel as if i am in a nightmare i can't wake up from.
I know how you feel. I've been feeling the same for the past 2 years. It is strange, till the age of 29 I felt pretty comfortable being by myself all the time. Those days are over.

I'm afraid this is bound to happen to everyone who isolates himself, since people are not created or programmed to spend their entire life alone. I really don't want to scare you. But with age that awful feeling will get worse and worse, if you don't act now, and start making friends and become more social.


Active member
All the time. I'm always thinking about the future (money) and my endless duties. I've to think about ten times before executing it.

i'm constantly worrying about the future too. i replay scenarios of those situations in my head and it makes me anxious.
i'm making effort now to think less. i try to short-circuit my brain and make it stop thinking at all. living in the moment, you know.
it's hard tho


Well-known member
i can be anxious as well when i have things to do tomorrow even if i'm i can't sleep well the day before.(usually i can't sleep wel before too)i always remember i had the appointment with doctor tomorrow.
i think too much i'll thinking of what'll happen to my future and everything.and i'm worried too much.sometimes i wonder if i'm a schizo. :roll:


Well-known member
I get some of the same feelings. It's hard to defeat on your own and puts you in more despair. I try and change my routine so I don't fall into the same boring patterns. Your brain becomes accustomed to negative thoughts. Isolation makes it worse.

Keep busy and stay in shape. Look into therapy and self-help books. It helped ease my mental anguish.


Active member
I've had that problem before. I agree with SlimJim's advice.
Recently I was very busy & not worried about things,but now the project is over & I find myself focusing on my old worries I guess that work & exercise really helped me.