Are you an animal empath?


I normally can't stand people who empathize with animals but not with humans (I find that some of these people tend to be misanthropic towards people), but I do empathize with animals. I don't feel that I have a special connection or bond, but I am against animal cruelty. I once saw footage of an animal being skinned alive for it's fur. *shivers*
The sound the poor creature was making...I couldn't get it out of my head for weeks. Hell, now that I remember....I once saw some documentary of how people cut off shark's fins and then throw the sharks back into the water to die. I realize that that shark would probably maul me without thinking twice, but I couldn't help but feel sorry for the creature. I mean, I don't think I've ever seen the expression of pain and fear in a shark's eyes. It was disturbing. Tell you what...I'd still kill one of those bastards if it were coming after me.

As for the sharks, I saw recently one article where they say sharks are naturally shy animals, but the hollywood films did them a bad service by portraiting them as bloodthirsty monsters. I guess they don't attack people, rather flee away, they only attack when they feel threatened.

The article was about some african country, where the officials decided to put a protecting net along the coast to keep sharks away. But, as the sharks are quite intelligent animals they usually managed to find a way to get through. They wanted to come to the beach to relax, but when they encountered the shouting holidaymakers, got afraid and in panic wanted to escape. But, they got trapped in the net that was originally intended to keep them out. The article said that always when the net is removed, it's full of sea animals tangled in (including dolphins), trapped strangely not on their way in, but on their way out. So, it seems like a stupid idea that made people hurt animals just out of fear and prejudice.
As for the sharks, I saw recently one article where they say sharks are naturally shy animals, but the hollywood films did them a bad service by portraiting them as bloodthirsty monsters. I guess they don't attack people, rather flee away, they only attack when they feel threatened.

The article was about some african country, where the officials decided to put a protecting net along the coast to keep sharks away. But, as the sharks are quite intelligent animals they usually managed to find a way to get through. They wanted to come to the beach to relax, but when they encountered the shouting holidaymakers, got afraid and in panic wanted to escape. But, they got trapped in the net that was originally intended to keep them out. The article said that always when the net is removed, it's full of sea animals tangled in (including dolphins), trapped strangely not on their way in, but on their way out. So, it seems like a stupid idea that made people hurt animals just out of fear and prejudice.
It probably also depends on what kind of shark it is, since there seems to be some discussion about some (tiger sharks for example) being much more aggressive while others are pretty passive/avoid human contact.

Still, I don't see justifying harming an animal like that except out of self defense. I'd never dream of doing something horrific like cutting off shark fins and letting them die in the water, but if I was ever attacked by a shark I'd probably be in a complete panic trying to gouge the thing's eyes out. Maybe you're right and they feel the same way about us ::(:
My love for animals was what inspired my becoming a vegetarian.

To hurt an animal is to bring suffering upon something that has not defense against nor understanding of what you're doing. Videos like some of the ones posted feel like torture to me.