Women are so hard to read. I don't think there is any way to know if a girl likes you unless she says it flat-out (which never happens). When you read dating tips online, you find stuff like "her body language will mimic yours" or "she will laugh at all your jokes." It's all crap. I'm just frustrated that women aren't more straightforward.
Women are hard to read......You are spot on in my opinion.... They are almost never direct.. They (women) expect us men to know and read accurately their subtle signs of interest. It could be as simple as brushing you as they walk past.... Or walking past you several times... Oh don't you love womennn..
Not to disagree with what f-s says but I kinda have to since I think the opposite! :: You can't sit and wait for some girl to come along forever (I'm assuming you are a guy Mr Drips) for one, unfortunately there's the double standard of us guys having to chase after the girl and I have to say I've found this to be true (though there are exceptions as there always are). Secondly girls like confident guys, you ask a girl out even if she doesn't feel the same she'll probably admire you for having the guts to do it and on the plus side you'll get used to asking them out. As far as the hh thing is concerned it's never stopped me from having relationships, it has stopped me having one night stands though cos let's face it they just wouldn't understand (but maybe thats no bad thing) . But trust me if a gal is into you it really isn't an issue.
Yes. I am a 20 year old male. Everytime i get close to a women i always reject her because i don't want to sleep with her. I just don't want to sweat on anyone during sex. I am trying to break this cycle because no women likes to be rejected and this is causing me to have bad relationships with all women.
Don't let that bother you.....The one time it is O.K. to sweat on someone is while having sex. Besides if she can't accept the sweating outside the bedroom, then you don't want to be with her in the bedroom.
Give it a shot, she might suprise you. Let her decide how she feels for herself, rather than not getting involved in the first place.