Are you a manchild (or woman child)?


Active member
Truly being an adult merely consists of 2 things:
A)Being good. I.E. Following the "Golden Rule" of "Love your neighbor as you love yourself".
B)Being wise.

Any other attempt at definition seems to fail,in my opinion.

So,if one dresses a certain way normally it doesn't ultimately matter to ones "adulthood". However,considering category B in my definition of an adult,I personally wouldn't deem it wise to dress too "oddly" at a workplace I worked at,due to the fact that there is a boss that can fire and refuse promotion to people,based upon his misjudging.
Sometimes you end up having to work with a jerk. Try not to take what he says too personally. Just smile and act nice, ya know? :p


Well-known member
yep I'm a manchild and proud of it!

I found out the other day that because I'm the third boy in my family apparently the testosterone produced in pregnancy diminishes with each boy....and so I've come out with very little testosterone....which seems to make sense as I have very little body/facial hair and I look young, often getting mistaken for a teenager [I'm 26 next month!] I've never liked what most adults drinking and smoking and going to pubs and clubs or eating out at restaurants or dressing all mature and acting important etc.....

I have a lot more respect for somebody who has the strength and confidence to not conform to societys mold, than those "adults" that copy everyone else.

I liked what Digitaldreams wrote....I don't think growing up and being mature is about superficial things such as the way you look and dress or even the way you's your actions and WHAT you talk about that is important.


I am 32, but also look much younger (sometimes strangers think that I'm still student, or even go to high school). And it' not because of my clothes or haircut (casual, but certainly not childish), or because of my behavior or interests (SA, but not childish either), it's because I DO look much younger physically. But not only me, almost all people with SA I have ever met also have that problem.
How could it be? I understand that SA operates on mental level, and influences the way one behaves or feels. But how it can influence somebody's physical appearance? Could it be something with hormones?
I am maybe just imagining, but it is hardly the case. I mean, many of you here have also reported similar things.