Are we allowed to discuss video game emulators here?

or is that illegal? I'm asking because I made a thread asking someone to help me rip a song from myspace and it disappeared, or maybe I just dreamed I made that post... :confused:

anyway, if so then I need some Gamecube emulator help ::(:

I keep getting this message whenever I load the game up

"gamecube emulator has encountered a problem and needs to close"

I want to play the Remake of Resident Evil 1 (didn't know it existed til recently, I know I'm late) and Resident Evil Zero so bad. I've never been a big fan of Nintendo systems so I had the PS2 during this era and missed out on those two games.


Staff member
Yep steer clear of illegal type stuff on the forums or the webmaster will delete your account.


Well-known member
emulators are legal, it's just the ROMS and ISO's (in other words, the games) that are illegal.