Approach anxiety and nervous around girls hard to smile uggh an I'm in college !!!!!


Well-known member
More information would help us to give you specific advice. As it is, Google probably has a variety of pages if you want general tips and tactics. I've never read them.


in a VAN down by the RIVER
I don't think you're going to be able to tackle this sort of thing without first getting therapy for your social phobia in-general.

Approach anxiety is something that even socially comfortable, confident, guys struggle with from time-to-time, so someone with your (our) kind of anxiety is going to have an especially hard time with it.

I'm afraid that if you try to ask a girl out in your current state, your nerves are going to get you shot-down bad, and you'll do serious damage to your self-esteem.

Upon further reading, I’m thinking this might be a troll, so I reserve the right to copy-pasta this awesome advice the next time someone asks this same kind of question.
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