Apology thread


Hello, I've recently said a bunch of mean things about women. I've learned to keep my thoughts regarding women to myself because it upsets people to hear these things. I apologize for any women who may have been hurt by my comments.

I've been through an experience that produces contempt and rage towards all women in the person but this should not be expressed regardless. Once again, sorry.


Well-known member
I wasn't hurt by anything you've said, just a bit concerned. It was apparent that there must have been something else that initially propelled this type of thinking. I'm glad that you came out and said that there has been something of the sort. But, I think that you shooooould express it. Not the contempt, spite and rage that you feel. But why you feel that. I think that would be a lot more productive for you.

Good luck! And no harm done at all.


I would also like to apologize for saying we should punt some midgets!

midgets are people too (kinda)....and without them the movie Howard the Duck never woulda been made....and the world would be a sad sad place! :(
I was hurt by the things you said about women, but i had figured that your opinions had been influenced by a really bad experience. Although that doesn't excuse your generalized statements regarding women.
You have gained my admiration for doing this apology thread, it takes guts to do this. Thank you for your apology!:)


Well-known member
I am female but I also feel contempt for females sometimes because I have been hurt so badly by them. But I know better than to generalize across the board about it, but yeah, I don't trust women very much and will always have issues but I don't trust men either and equally so but for different reasons and have issues there too. There are good people and there are bad people and that's more where it rests rather than exclusively with one or both sexes. I'm keeping my eye on that for now and will try my best to find the good people. I know they are out there. I have a couple good people in my camp and hopeful it will grow from there. I hope you will find the same and build upon the good things rather than the bad. It can really destroy us otherwise if we let it.