Apergers vs. AvPD

Has anyone thought they had Aspergers? I thought I had it when I was in High School and didn't know what AvPD was. I made the mistake of telling my friend about it (she has NVLD which is sort of similar) and she basically laughed in my face and told me I was ridiculous for thinking that. I know a few people who have Aspergers and generally they seem to be more forward with their thoughts than me, I guess it is the social awkwardness that I found similar, and the lack of understanding with other people. I also have really bad motor skills but I'm not sure that's common with avpd people. And I was really weird when I was a kid.

Sorry, I think I've started to ramble...anyways has anyone had similar thoughts?


Well-known member
I have a friend who went to a workshop on this and when she learned of it she just knew... Sure enough, she went to see a therapist and he agreed with her.

She thinks that I might have it, too, but I don't know... I relate to many aspects of it, but others I don't.

I guess the big thing is, they say that people who have it find it hard to know how others are feeling or to read emotions off of faces... I am totally NOT like that! I am hyper alert to the looks in people's eyes, vocal inflections, anything that can clue me into what they are truly feeling...

But I am totally socially awkward, physically uncordinated, and obsessive about things.


I had a psychologist try to force a diagnosis of this on me for months. Then when i stopped seeing him he even sent a pamphlet about it to my mother. What a fucking ridiculous waste of time and money these quacks are.


New member
I've been diagnosed with Asperger's Syndrome, but I think it's a misdiagnosis. I have to agree with what VioletTears has written. People with AvDP and Asperger's Syndrome are both socially awkward, but for opposite reasons. In a conversation, an Aspie is completely unaware of another persons reactions, while the person with AvPD is too aware. Ironically, both conditions can lead to a similar sense of alienation from society.

Just a thought: I wonder if AvDP and Asperger's are on the same Spectrum, but at opposite ends?


I was absolutely convinced I had Aspergers Syndrome for a few years. At this time I was self diagnosed. But I wanted to get an official diagnosis just to be 100% sure of what was wrong with me. Just to know for sure, once and for all.

But the therapist said that it was her opinion that I was a text-book Avoidant Personality type. And that I had already been offically diagnosed with AvPD in my first few week in therapy, although no one came out and told me what was wrong with me. (Is that standard practice?)

My Father was never diagnosed in his lifetime but I suspect he was an Aspie. He has a lot of the Aspie traits that now, in hindsight, I realize I don't necissarily have. There are a few Aspie traits that I still share, like mind blindness and meltdowns.

But AvPD describes me much better than AS.


Well-known member
99% of internet users reads about Aspergers at some point, and most people think they have it. Commonly they are just nerdy (I figured I had it because of this reason) or because they want to feel special. I have heard highly extrovert people claiming that they have it. Many people have low social skills and it is easy to confuse this with Aspergers.

Generally you will not 'not notice' yourself or someone else having it, it will always be quite obvious. So unless someone has actually been diagnosed with it it is probably a fake call.

@OP -> it is possible that he had Asperger (since it probably hadn't been discovered during his lifetime) but if you have low self esteem, breakdowns (I presume in social/hectic situations) a case of a social disorder seems much more likely.

Hmm, listen to me, almost sounding like a therapist. No I don't know what I'm talking about, this is just common sense, but your psychiatrist is probably right. And you could ask him about your dad.


99% of internet users? Most of the world uses the internet. I do not think Asperger's is nearly that widely known or diagnosed.. :roll:
Here's the diagnostic criteria for aspergers: http://www.aspergers.com/aspcrit.htm

Of particular note, some criteria that don't apply to most of us avoidants:
- encompassing preoccupation with one or more stereotyped and restricted patterns of interest that is abnormal either in intensity or focus
- apparently inflexible adherence to specific, nonfunctional routines or rituals
- stereotyped and repetitive motor mannerisms (e.g., hand or finger flapping or twisting, or complex whole-body movements)
- persistent preoccupation with parts of objects
- lack of social or emotional reciprocity
- a lack of spontaneous seeking to share enjoyment, interests, or achievements with other people (e.g., by a lack of showing, bringing, or pointing out objects of interest to other people)

Notice that's "seeking to share" rather than actually sharing, so I think one of the differences is that aspergers people lack the drive whereas avoidants are impaired in executing their drive.


Well-known member
i took a test those days and it turns out that my score what "very likely asperger" that remembered of when i found out about it. but WEBSITE TESTS AREN'T RELIABLE


Well-known member
That's what I mean. When I did that test (probably the same one), my score was nearly maximum for Aspergers, but thats just because the symptoms IRL are much more severe then they sound on paper so it's easy to project them upon yourself.


Well-known member
JonnyD said:
i took a test those days and it turns out that my score what "very likely asperger" that remembered of when i found out about it. but WEBSITE TESTS AREN'T RELIABLE

Damn right those tests are not reliable!!

My 14 year old son was diagnosed as having Aspergers Syndrome in April. Like any other disorder, thereare varyng degrees of it and not everything that applies to my son, will apply to others.

My son was tested by a Language Therapist, an Educational Psychologist and a Pediatrician who are all trained in diagnosing Aspergers. All three were there on the same day and as far as I am aware, this is how it is always done when making a diagnosis for youngsters.

I would advis that if somoene feels they have Aspergers Syndrome, that they be tested properly. There may be more help available once a diagnosis has been made.

Take care,

Billie xxx

I used to think I might have AvPd, but than some of it didn't really make much sense, and I didn't really avoid things so much as just not being initiative. Well I have aspergers, and I think social phobia is one of the things that can come out of it, but one of the biggest difference I think I see is that for me, more so than knowing how to act with people but just being nervous and anxious, I just have no clue what I am suppose to do around people. One thing also I will never show or really want to show my interests with other people. I also cannot stop touching my hair or face, constantly, literally like every other second, and as well as a bunch of other stuff like talkign weird etc etc etc. I don't think I have AvPd, but I'm pretty sure I have aspergers, well as well as being diagnosed and tested for it and stuff. Well I hope I might have helped anyone, and it is really hard to figure out any specific thing you have since there are so many other factors involved.


Well-known member
Psychedelicious said:
I used to think I might have AvPd, but than some of it didn't really make much sense, and I didn't really avoid things so much as just not being initiative. Well I have aspergers, and I think social phobia is one of the things that can come out of it, but one of the biggest difference I think I see is that for me, more so than knowing how to act with people but just being nervous and anxious, I just have no clue what I am suppose to do around people. One thing also I will never show or really want to show my interests with other people. I also cannot stop touching my hair or face, constantly, literally like every other second, and as well as a bunch of other stuff like talkign weird etc etc etc. I don't think I have AvPd, but I'm pretty sure I have aspergers, well as well as being diagnosed and tested for it and stuff. Well I hope I might have helped anyone, and it is really hard to figure out any specific thing you have since there are so many other factors involved.

You may have heard that only 1 in 10 of people with Aspergers is female. I read that they think the reason so many girls go undiagnosed is because girls are great at covering up their friends supposed inadequacies. So if a girl seems to be out of here depth in a situation, her friends will usually shield her so others do not see what is wrong. Boys on the other hand, are supposed to be less helpful and will see another boy as weak and will leave them to it, making it obvious there is a problem.

Should have just offered this link.http://www.yourlittleprofessor.com/girls.html

Were you offered more help because of your diagnosis?