Anyone out there that's like me?


New member
Hi, first post.

So first of all, I'm a sufferer of SAD. It's really weird that I have never really met anyone in real life that was as socially phobic as I am. Sometimes I feel like I can talk to people. If it's very formal, I would feel confident and feel somewhat comfortable. There's just one thing: I am terrified of showing any emotion. I don't know why, but anything that isn't 99%-100% logic and reasoning, I am too scared to show.
I can't make or keep much friends in real life. I never talk to anyone unless they speak to me first. I act somewhat intimidating to people so that they don't think I'm weak. I don't answer my phone, and if I call back, it won't be until 1-2 days later.
I'm so scared that I can't even go on teamspeak(an internet voice chat program) with my friends that I've known on the internet (not in real life) for over 5 years. I feel fine chatting with them using text on the internet, but it terrifies me to imagine how it would be actually talking to them.
I'm so scared that I can't even talk to my parents. I can't talk to them unless it's something important, something like if I can drive the car or when I'll be home from school. Other than stuff like that, that's all I can ever really say to them.
People think I'm weird when they ask me what I think about girls, or if they start talking about girls around me. Since I am terrified of showing any emotion, I really feel uncomfortable around any type of situation like this.

The second thing I suffer from is chronic procrastination. It's getting out of control. I'm losing money from college because I keep withdrawing from classes. I'm very smart. The only reason I withdraw is because I put off work and 99% of the time I'll decide not to do it at the last second. I'll not study for a test, not come in the day of the test, and then even procrastinate contacting my instructor. I'll come up with lies to tell them about why I missed the test and why I didn't contact them until a week later. Some classes I'll just stop going to because of all the work I've missed and need to make up, therefore withdrawing from them. I'm withdrawing from too many classes and losing a ton of money because of it.
My hygiene is terrible. I procrastinate putting my clothes away, so they get dirty, procrastinate washing them, I only shower every 2 weeks (I'm 20) because I never have any clean clothes, I don't brush my teeth, etc.
I really want to visit my relatives and they keep asking me to come, but for some reason I still haven't come. It's been 2 years. Everyday I think about when I'll visit, but I never actually do it.

I'm wondering if there's anyone out there suffering from both of these things, like I am. I also wonder what the connection is between these two things and if one of these things affects the other.


Well-known member

This sounds exactly like me. I'm even twenty and in college. The main difference is I shower every day and sometimes twice. But I worry people think I'm weird because I don't show emotion, someone recently commented on my lack of excitement over something we were going to. I have friends, but don't really communicate much with them. Only the ones from high school really accept who I am, at least it feels that way. I'm much more comfortable around people twice my age because its usually more formal. My most uncomfortable moments have been involving girls, they seem to expect some level of emotion it feels like.

I also missed my first class of the day as I write this and recently skipped my first test because I got up a little too late.

Can't really talk to my family either, went to the doctor to get prozac recently, but that only brought the issue up and didn't really help actually talking about it.

You are not alone!


Well-known member
Hey emaR & welcome!

Ohh, I think you'll find plenty of people with sa and procrastination on the internetz! (It *is* one of the top forms of procrastination, isn't it? :))

As for being terrified about showing emotion - is it with all emotions or just certain types of emotions. For me, it's easier to show some emotions than others - eg what is 'socially acceptable' or 'time appropriate' or if other ppl are feeling it too.. (eg when everyone was nervous about exams, it was easier to say I was nervous too..) So you could try with these things..

I usually speak to ppl who speak to me first too.. or I have to gather A LOT of courage! :) or just have a really good day, and if they look friendly.. :) you might wanna try to observe ppl a bit, do they look friendly or seem busy/rushed..

maybe your parents weren't so accepting of all your emotions, mine were either panicking - mum, or not really tolerant of some expressions/feelings - dad.. so one learns 'survival techniques' in the childhood.. those may not be appropriate later in life or for dealing with other people.. so it's good to 'unlearn' a bit - and it may take a while - wishing you GOOD LUCK though!! :)

Can you make some 'mini steps' or mini-goals you could take? I'm guessing maybe perfectionism or wanting to do it 'really well' might be a factor? (for me, it has been!) Or is just turning on the internet a problem? (been there!!) Or maybe games etc?

Maybe you could also focus on the goal? That has helped me in the past too! For example, I wanted to stay in the comfy dorm room, and pictured a nice picture to myself how it would be after I finished Uni etc. That helped a lot. Also, could you study with a friend/classmate, or in the dorm study room? That was very helpful too!!
Could you visit relatives with another relative or a few? (That might be easier than going alone too?)

Take care & hope things get better!! (for all of us!!)