Anyone Know How to Avoid the Vicious Cycle?


Well-known member
It seems that no matter what I try, I always end up reverting to my social deficiencies. I first thought college was going to be my way out, and I did make some great new friends, but the old me kicked in eventually and I lost contact with everybody. Every year, with new roommates, it starts out great, but then I always withdraw, and it gets progressively worse until a new situation comes up.

Now I'm part of an honor society/club with some really great people, and I'd really like for me to stick this time, but I don't know what I'm going to do. I already almost messed up before by embarrassing myself at a party (but nobody ever brought it up and I didn't either as many of you suggested, thanks to those who helped me out here ^_^), but I know my crazy self is going to kick in soon, and the mere thought of it is torturing me. Of course, my cognitions are probably not helping, but eh. So, what do you all do to get out of your ruts and endless vicious cycles?


Well-known member
I don't know how to avoid it. I enter almost every new situation like that...gonna be open, talk to people, make friends, not care about my stuttering. Then after awhile I go back to avoiding people and not talking to anyone...I hate it. I think maybe you could avoid it, but it would take lots of work.

Silvox Black

Well-known member
As far as I have seen, it requires positive events and a strong support network of friends to gradually push you out of it. It also requires effort on your part to actively force yourself away from that thought process of negativity. Seemingly impossible yes? Unfortunately, I myself have yet to succeed in this freedom from the cycle so I cannot speak from direct experience.


Well-known member
You just have to keep doing things that scare you to death and make you uncomfortable. You're not going to have a sudden epiphany. It's gonna take a long time to become comfortable doing the things that scare you. But, as long as you keep taking personal risks then you're good to go.