Anyone know any good songs about SA?


Well-known member
I know there would be songs about the things we go though, although I don't know whether there would be many directly about SA. I want to download and listen to these songs, a little bit of connection to the song, I would get.


Well-known member
Good topic. I can't actually think of any really detailed SA lyrics..
Theres the smiths - how soon is now
and theres probably something by the nine inch nails but I can't think.
I can think of plenty of songs that you can apply to SA but aren't actually about it.
Would love to hear some suggestions.


As mentioned these songs probably weren't specifically written about SA, but they remind me of it.

Ask by The Smiths
Jubilee by Blur
Mary Ellen Makes The Moment Count by a-ha


Well-known member
NERVOUSLY by Pet Shop Boys

Not about social phobia directly but they do remind me of it.
"A Most Peculiar Man" by Simon & Garfunkel
"My Friend Will Be Me" by Of Montreal

Either could be interpreted as being about SA, though I'm not sure if they were written with it in mind.

Well maybe the Of Montreal track was, but the S&G one was probably just written about someone who was depressed although there are a lot of similarities between the "most peculiar man" and someone who has SA - "he has no friends / he seldom spoke" for example


Active member
REM - loosing my religion, if you try hard some of the lyrics sound like they could explain SA like

"That's me in the corner
That's me in the spotlight
Losing my religion
Trying to keep up with you
And I don't know if I can do it
Oh no I've said too much
I haven't said enough"

I dunno lol, i like to try hard to relate songs so SA
I really like the some "A Most Peculiar Man" by Simon and Garfunkel....

Here's some songs I know that are about/reference it:

"Eleanor Rigby" by the Beatles is about all the lonely people....
"Unhappy Girl" by the Doors
I've found another one, "Behind the Waterfall" by The Apples in Stereo. Good luck finding it though, I'm pretty sure it's out of print and impossible to find online. PM me if you're interested.
how about some of these:

boulevard of broken dreams - green day
smash - the offspring
the red - chevelle

and i love the song "how soon is now" by the smiths.

i have pretty bad s.a.d. and some songs kind of make me feel at peace with it. here's some of them:
remedy - seether
kashmir - led zeppelin
you know you're right - nirvana


Well-known member
i do!! :]

"Everything is Alright" by Motion City Soundtrack. They're an indie punk band. here's part of the lyrics that sound a lot like SA...

Cause I hate the ocean, theme parks and airplanes,
Talking with strangers, waiting in line..
I'm through with these pills that make me sit still.
"Are you feeling fine?"
Yes, I feel just fine.

The "talking with strangers, waiting in line," describes me well, lol.
Actually the whole song does, haha. ... :eek: wait.. that's not funny.
D:it's sad. =[

another song by them is "Modern Chemistry." It doesn't describe SA though, but depression, which I'm also a victim of...

"I barely have the motivation
They say I suffer from a lack of seratonin
Synapses,they happen too infrequently for me
To be functioning properly

I took the pills
I took the advice
The panic stopped
But still, I'm not right
Racing thoughts and wasted time"

Those are the only songs I know of, sorry. :0
Eric Clapton & Leon Russell said:
Bet you didn't think I knew how to rock 'n' roll.
Oh, I got the boogie-woogie right down in my very soul.
There ain't no need for me to be a wallflower,
'Cause now I'm living on blues power.

I knew all the time but now I'm gonna let you know:
I'm gonna keep on rocking, no matter if it's fast or slow.
Ain't gonna stop until the twenty-fifth hour,
'Cause now I'm living on blues power.

First Verse

Talking to you, now.
The boogie's gonna pull me through.
Keep on, keep on, keep on keeping on.
Keep on keeping on, keep on keeping on.
Suzanne Vega said:
If you want me
You can find me
Left of center
Off of the strip

In the outskirts
In the fringes
In the corner
Out of the grip

When they ask me
"What are you looking at?"
I always answer
"Nothing much" (not much)
I think they know that
I'm looking at them
I think they think
I must be out of touch

But I'm only
In the outskirts
And in the fringes
On the edge
And off the avenue
And if you want me
You can find me
Left of center
Wondering about you

I think that somehow
Somewhere inside of us
We must be similar
If not the same
So I continue
To be wanting you
Left of center
Against the grain

If you want me
You can find me
Left of center
Off of the strip
In the outskirts
In the fringes
In the corner
Out of the grip

When they ask me
"What are you looking at?"
I always answer
"Nothing much" (not much)
I think they know that
I'm looking at them
I think they think
I must be out of touch

But I'm only
In the outskirts
And in the fringes
On the edge
And off the avenue
And if you want me
You can find me
Left of center
Wondering about you
Wondering about you


New member
Fade to Black by Metallica
The song doesn't speak about SA but you could interpret it about it's effects and how it can drive you to really dark places(losing the will to live...)


Lonley by akon if you can stand the sound of chipmunks singing 8O Erm... alot of linkin park songs have that sorta vibe to them about overcoming depression/problems.And while directly not about sa.. i find alot of tupacs song inspirational and his poems,oh and some of dmx's stuff aswell specialy "slippin".