Friends, enemies and strangers all have one thing in common - they all depend on qualities.
For example, if we view someone as having good qualities we generally like that person because it generates a pleasant feeling within us.
If we view someone as having bad qualities they will stimulate unpleasant feelings in us and we avoid them or hate them.
If we view no qualities in a person, they are usually strangers, we see nothing in them.
The qualities of people depend on how we view people sometimes if we are ina bad mood we only see bad qualities in everyone whereas someone in a good mood may see only good qualities in others. It depends on what is going on inside our mind. We can relate to others in a balanced way by seeing what is true in everyone or at best try viewing everyone in a more beneficial way.
People are extremely kind. For without them you could not be able to overcome your social anxiety and principally it is others who help you learn other ways of seeing your world. This reason alone is enough to at least see everyone as a benefactor to our self.