Anyone from Toronto??


New member
im from toronto. A UW student, currently taking the semester off and hiding out but that's nothing new. any other torontonians here? tell me more about yourself me4me


Active member
ive been diagnosed with SA since 2 years ago. I pretty much go to school, work and study...i wish i could hide out, but my parents wouldnt let me...really strict fokes. how long have u had SA for??


Well-known member
yeah accounting program. I have SP. I will be finishing school in December can't wait till then. I am 24 will be turning 25 soon. I am planning to start an SA group for people like us were we can't go out and try to enjoy life my address is [email protected]


Well-known member
is this forum still active? I live in toronto, scarborough as well. If anyone interested in meeting up and share our problems ..pls msg me. thanks :)


Well-known member
Whoa, lots of Torontonians here. My SA problem is getting better. The meds really helped me out. If anyone wants to talk, just send me a message. =)


New member
Hey guys! new here. Just wanted to let you know that I am also from Toronto. To be more specific I live in the Scarborough region. Would be nice to talk and maybe meet some new friends that live close by.


Hi Guys, would any of you be interested in meeting up to do behavioral group exercises, to overcome social anxiety? It wouldn't be the force yourself in public type scenarios. Rather it would be in a booked room (i.e. library room) where we can go through Dr. Richard's Hierarchical Behavioral Group Exercises in gradual and comfortable manner. It is based off Dr. Richard's CBT program titled 'Overcoming Social Anxiety' from the Social Anxiety Institute. If interested give me a shout. I'm looking forward to this. The group would consist of 5 - 6 of us.