Anyone else highly imaginative?


Well-known member
As a sp , like many of you - i m having sex , on a very very very rare occasion.

Here is the deal : Last time (Two years ago..) i was a with a really
nasty, nymphomaniac lady (Lucky me :I), but after that..

Since i m very imaginative and suggestable...

Every time i (try to )speak with a women ..
I got an Instant erection , and i have to escape - because my tongue
it tied and it is a silly situation, you will agree?
This would happen so often , that i begin to avoid them even when they
approach me

To be complete sincere-i think on the add on to this i dont know
what kind of woman i really like anymoe (My long time unsuccessfull quest for love lead me to some sort of bad id crisis)

I m not thinking that i m boring , but i have no interest in women speech .,
they seem boring to me. I m just intersted in them sexually, so there is a moral aspect in this because i m not feeling like taking advantage on them.

So, i need sex desperately + i m escaping of potential women interested
Any suggestions?

I would pay a pro but really dont know how to do that, i m raised
in very very old fashioned way


Well-known member
Maybe you're not interested in what most of the women you talk to are saying, because what they're saying isn't interesting. I hear that from a lot of men. Well, whenever they talk to me, they tell me I'm different and so much more interesting than most women. (I'm not bragging, just saying, because it's relevant) Anyway, that just may be the case.

I don't know how you could stop getting an erection, maybe where tighty-whities. hehe. idk if those help? That's all I can think of though. Or maybe try not getting so excited, by actually listening to what they are saying, instead of staying in your own imagination. Even if what they are saying isn't interesting, stay focused on what they say. If that doesn't help, try thinking things that you know DON'T give you an erection, while around women you find attractive? :wink:

That's all I can think of right now, good luck.


Well-known member
sorry, i don't mean to be rude, but as a female i have to say that it does sound creepy. i do NOT want to be around men who get erections just talking to me because they only see me as a sex object. and if you are only interested in sex and nothing more- yes, that is using women. it sounds like maybe you don't value women and their ideas.

if you are truly interested in a relationship (something much more complex than just finding a female to have sex with) you would probably be attracted to a woman who has similar interests as you. she probably listens to similar music, watches similar movies, enjoys going to places you enjoy going to, holds similar values as you. but to realize this you would have to stop viewing women as sex objects and realize they have minds, too.

if you only want to use women for sex, get a prostitute and be prepared for STDs.

or go gay, since you value men's speech so much more.


Well-known member
General lost of interests is another great problem of mine these ..days..ages : I

I m not saying that i dig much more when men's talking. Although it is easier to talk to them because i dont have this problem,

Au contraire, i had found (but in the deep past ) , humorous, funny and inteligent women (but relationship slipped away because of some incredible & not so pleasent -to me- circumstances).

I can tell you that i dont understand women's psyche at all (even before i was sexual ) , well as long as i can exist - but i stopped to bother because i know that misunderstanding is mutual.

When i see a happy couple i am 99% percent sure that they dont understand each other. It is chemistry thing. I teached/fancy myself to be romantic , but as u know insticts are beyond control?

I dont want to blame my instincts, it is like to say someone thirsty 'not to be thirsty'.


Well-known member
I cannot reason or discuss with your view on women in general because frankly It would not be kind of me, but I can say this.

We or you are not animals, and as such not slaves of instinct. That is in essence what defines humanity. Free will. And by bowing before instinct you are displaying your humanity and choices.


Well-known member
It almost sounds like a moral values thing - could the worry be amplifying your problem? Maybe you're giving lust too much attention by complete accident. You know how the more you think about something, like for example sex, the more you'll get aroused? I think that might be your problem - the more you worry about it, the more attention you give it... and the more aroused you become. Since you have a problem with it, I can sincerely tell you're not a creepy guy who's only interested in sex. If you were, you probably wouldn't be posting here.

That's why it sounds like a morality confusion crisis. You probably feel guilty for getting aroused, but you shouldn't. Many other guys probably feel this way, but they just don't worry about it so much so it doesn't interfere with their casual conversation with an attractive lady. Maybe you could try not fighting it next time - sometimes you have to let something overcome you in order to rise above it... just a word of advice :)