Anyone else given up?


Well-known member
I know this forum is meant for helping people to cope and overcome SA, but I wonder if some of you have given up the battle?

Not yet. I still have faith and believing that things will get better. But in some days of depression I sometimes feel like giving up completely..but for now always something good has happened eventually and I was on my feet again. So I think I will fighting till the last day of my life..hopefully I will overcome SA soon or at least decrease it.


Well-known member
persona - sorry if I sounded condescending. I just hope you realize that the negative thoughts - especially that you simply don't have the strength or will to manage the anxiety better, are part of the disease. Unlike you I had 14 good years before my illness hit so I had something to compare to. the hardest thing for me is to keep in mind that the illness warps your perspective on how you really are. your organized reply tells me you are conscientious and can communicate. you have to give up some but don't ever give up completely. just my opinion, of course.
noway. I never give up this fight. That's one thing I would NEVER do.
How longer it takes how more I want to get out of this.