anybody else just don't give a F*** anymore?


Well-known member
I mean I'm not suicidal but I don't care about myself nomore or what happens lately I feel hopeless hopin somebody will kill me for me. I got worse so I started smokin herbs all day to feel better, now I feel people judge me more. and I don't wanna do anything becuase I feel it won't work anyway. I'm on the edge. I dunno what happened in my life to make things get worse and worse to where I'm 20 yrs old and never been on a date and never really had a childhood. I stayed home all the time. I had friends all through school and never got picked on. I hung with the bad kids and thugs I guess cuase they didn't give a fuck and I dropped out but I never did anything like fight, I never smoked anything worse than pot becuase I never hung out after school. but I feel people look at me like a lowlife. I'm a good man with good intentions but I feel like I leave bad impressions. and I can't tell if I'm ugly or cute to girls cuz they tell me im cute but they never wanna go out so I always just think their being nice or some shit and talkin bad about me to eachother. I dunno just some random info. I'm in counceling but i feel like the counceler wants me to go to somebody else (rejected) cuz she's cute but think she probably thinks I'm weird. I feel like I'm gonna turn crazy if I don't get out and do something.