Any special talent/skill you've nurtured due to SA?


First ever post on this site :D But I've been following this site for quite a while. It's encouraging to know I'm not the only one that fears society! Even though I find it kind of ironic for us to even be here, socializing about our FEAR of socializing! :p

Anyways, I'm sure a similar topic must have existed before, but what have you guys developed because of your anxiety or shyness? A lot of us with SA tend to keep to ourselves and spend the times other spend on socializing doing something we like. So I'm sure a lot of us will have something we're proud of!

For me...hmm, I'd probably say designing...anything! I love sitting down and just thinking about ways to make something prettier than it already is. What about you guys?


Well-known member
Oh you'd be surprised at the repression out there. Besides, having the talent and truly NURTURING it are different things. After all, some people are stuck having sex with partners and haven't the luxury of developing it.


Well-known member
I also play classical guitar...if I spent half as much time playing as masturbating, I'd be famous maybe...or infamous, if I combined them.


Same jaim38. If you place a secret camera in my room and record me self-talking, you can probably make that into the next Paranormal Activity.


Well-known member
When I was a teenager I played a lot of video games and impressed my friends with being better than they were. That was a source of pride at the time. I listened to comedy radio shows all day and could name all these actors and films and knew what actresses did what in which movies, encyclopedically. My sister jokes I have IMDB brain.

Now I'm working on nurturing chess, and guitar, my body, and French.