any one try to overcome social phobia spiritually ?


Well-known member
^Yeah i was thinking same. Meditation tried and tested fail only do i feel something when i listen to a track for the first time, thereafter its just procedure and nothing like happens and i dont really feel anything, maybe its a matter of finding the right audio, bare in mind i have tried quite a few out there and nothing lasts. and the good ones are like ultra long i dont have the time in the day everyday for that sort of thing, Iv tried and its hard to maintain. I exercise 4 times a week though....


Well-known member
I think perhaps a spiritual solution might be the most effective.

I believe that the root of much of our anxiety is a struggle to maintain control.

We seem happy and comfortable in environments of our own choosing or making, with people who meet our standards of trust and safety.

Take us outside that comfort zone - into the unknown - beyond our ability to control our environment or the actions and/or reactions of the people we encounter - and we find it difficult to function effectively.

Perhaps the answer lies in giving up control. But to whom?

That's where the spiritual part comes in.

The belief in something bigger than ourselves - a god, the natural order of the universe, the flying spaghetti monster - allows us to trust in this higher power enough to turn over control to them.

If we can just give up trying to control everyone and everything around us (or stop thinking that we can or should to begin with) and trust in our higher power to ensure that things will be as they are meant to be - I believe we would be able to make great progress in overcoming much of the anxiety that holds us back.
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Well-known member
Absolutely. I believe Spirituality is the only lasting way to solve any seeming problems we have. I can honestly say all the books on Spirituality I have read have helped me enormously. Some of the books: The Power of Now; Ask and It Is Given; A Course in Miracles. As well as being enjoyable and deeply informative books to read, they give numerous practical techniques you can implement in your daily life.
Meditation is also very helpful; just sitting in a quiet room and breathing consciously for a few minutes a day is great.


Well-known member
i tried meditation,all sort of wierd stuff,i cant properly evaluate how much it helped me to get rid of my social phobia, though i think it wasnt completely useless
recently i feel like it was like an addiction for me,i drowned myself in it to forget my problems and create a world of my own.
now that i dont think of that stuff anymore i feel much better,much more realistic


Well-known member
*giggles* Actually I've had quite a bit of success calming myself spiritually, with prayer, meditation and relaxation techniques.

I still get queasy when it comes time to expose myself to the general public, but my anxiety levels are no where near the sheer panic I once experienced when I was younger (thank you Headphones and iPod).

I think if this type of coping skill/self-therapy depends on people's belief power... I've tried the medicinal approach and yes, it does work, but I do not care for it. I feel like I'm in a constant fog, whereas going "drug free", I feel more human ^_^


Well-known member
I'm definately better with SA than I usd to be. I have never taken drugs for the problem, so all improvements have been because of me alone. I have read a lot of self-help books and books about Angels, NDEs, Psychic type stuff etc. When you read enough of them, you pick up certain techniques that can work for you. Everyone is different though, so there is no one method that will work for everyone.

The biggest thing, would be learning how to listen and trust your intuition or "gut feeling". It is easy to let the loud voice in your head to take control rather than the quiet voice from your true self, but as long as you remember that the quiet voice knows what is best for you, then it certainly goes a long way to helping overcome any problems that you are facing.


New member
Meditation will definitely help as the benefits are immeasurable. This has been known since time began.

When you meditate you get rid of the chitter-chatter of our lives that we think are so important i.e. 'must collect the kids', 'have i paid the gas bill?', etc etc and we manage to connect to our higher selves or subconscious at a deeper level.

At this deeper level we make choices much easier, can focus on problems better, and can even seek advice.

I recommend meditation to everyone who wants to make a change in their lives.



Well-known member
I try spirituality, by reading various religious books from different faiths. I tried Qigong, mediation and Tarot cards. Now I am attending psychologist therapy it helps to better understand myself but I still don't know if its helping me. It rather makes me depressed to see the grim reality.


Well-known member
This is going to be one of the posts where I touch on religion. Even though this thread is meant to ask a spiritual question I feel I should still let you know. If you don't want to hear me out please skip over my post. I can't force God on you, nor should I. It's up to you to find him yourself. I'll try more to share from a personal position and less to preach.

When approaching my inability to leave my apartment and/or socialize with guests I ALWAYS look at it from a spiritual standpoint. This is because a big part of the things I say and when sharing myself with others, it always leads back to this. Some of us, if not most, have these afflictions and don't understand why. We see doctors about it, they may be helpful, but I'm sure a lot of you go home unsatisfied. No doubt I can admit to this.

I enjoy many subjects of conversation. I may be bad at placing myself in the correct setting, but when I get going on a topic I don't stop (as you may see here). My wife is my biggest listener. We like to talk about these kinds of things all the time, daily even. She has a friend who comes over every once in a while and she loves talking with us as well. The one conversation I hold above the others is spiritual battle. The tug of war between good and evil, because that's what it is. In our minds were actually being pulled back and forth, but with one key difference. God has already triumphed, so when Satan pulls on you it's an act of desperation. Here on earth we're actually in the devil's cross hairs, this is where he reigns. Those days when you feel you're at the darkest corner of this universe, the truth is you probably are. You can see it everywhere. It's so much easier and fun to acknowledge the devil's existence in this world than it is God's. The fact he has such a simple grip on our atmosphere makes this so.

That being said I'll get to the point. Upon stepping out my door I feel that grip take hold of me. Crushing and compacting me along with the rest of us. Holding me so tightly that even the thought of taking another step forward is unspeakable. I promptly return to my hiding place, my prison. I hear him everyday taunting me through these walls. Waiting at my door with the occasional knock, sending me into a panic. Wondering if today is finally going to be the day when my options have run out. The day that I'm pushed as far back into that corner as I can go. When all those misplaced emotions are squeezed to the brink.

As bad as it gets, in the end I know what I need to do. I know what's behind this torment. No doctor has convinced me otherwise. I may never function properly here as long as I let myself be so easily persuaded. I hate seeing the truth, but I feel it's empowering.

My advice is to try and prevent your problems from being obstacles and start making them opportunities. Chances to get a little wiser, self-aware. The devil is everything that God is not. God is love and understanding in their purest forms. You have a devil taking advantage of this, twisting it into another way to control you. He IS deceit, and when allowed he WILL deceive you. His favorite trick is convincing you he isn't there. Leaving you sure that you're one step ahead of him. He won't hesitate to show his position by leading you straight over a hole. Going down face first, cursing and blaming the aperture. Clueless to the real cause, abandoning you to receive the outcome alone. The only way to avoid this is to get on the correct pathway, the one paved and unchipped.

I'm fighting hard to speak these days, I'm quite overwhelmed. So I'll do my best not to remove this post. Forgive any misspelled words.


Well-known member
very nice post but what is your proof that this is just a war from evil spirits

some times i feel it is a spiritual war but what is the proof

i believe there is spirits in our world because i saw spirits before

It's a matter of faith. Trusting in someone/something you can't see in physical form. It's a matter of diving into and witnessing for yourself. Which is why to debate it is pointless. When arguing my position I achieve nothing. I could lead you to the water but not make you drink. Though you can't lead those who refuse to follow. The greatest proof I could offer you is to live in example. If God could be that easily proven it would have happened along time ago. Id think if even Christ descended heaven today and proceeded to turn water to wine, heal the lame, and make the blind see. We'd probably stay just as skeptical.

This is a very common deceit. Many people are left to question God's existence for the extent of their lives. Wasting time and never experiencing the great sense of enlightenment that comes with allowing an unknown plan to unfold and guide their way. At times we may not like it, very often it seems to be something unpleasant. This is where faith comes into play.

This is all I can say.