Any of you guys drink lots of coffee when you were young


Well-known member
Any of you guys drink lots of coffee when you were young? I drank a lot of coffe like when I was around 6. Not regularly but quite a bit. I heard that lots of caffeine is bad for a child and can end up affecting you as an adult with anxiety as opposed to like a 17 year old drinking it regularly.


Well-known member
I know where my anxiety comes from and its not coffee. I agree coffee not good for kids but not sure its the cause of SA. My problems stem from being treated badly by my parents.


I never drunk coffee up until my late twenties. My SA certainly didn't come from caffeine... it came from the negative world I grew up in.



Well-known member
I try to not drink more than two coffees a day. I usually have one coffee in the morning to get me going but too much makes me more anxious, and affects my sleep at night.


Well-known member
I drunk coffee as a kid, but I had SA before I started drinking it so it can't have been the reason.


Well-known member
I never drank coffee - I hate the taste! Though, I sometimes drink some hot cocoa and dessert flavored cappucino.


Well-known member
MustangDave said:
I never drunk coffee up until my late twenties. My SA certainly didn't come from caffeine... it came from the negative world I grew up in.


same here, but i started drinking it at about 15 y/o. i've switched to decaf and now i drink mainly decaf tea. someone the other day told me that decaf coffee is still 2% caffeine compared to regular coffee which is 3%. i'm not sure if this is true or not.


Well-known member
I don't drink coffee, but I still drink lots of caffeine. About a litre of coke a day and about 3-4 cans of red bull.


I have been drinking coffie since i was about 10.. and i mean real coffee.. not decaf or instant.. real coffee.

i have since switched to decaf but i wont give up my coffee at all.