any members from former Socialistic countrys?


Well-known member

Is there anybody here that has grown up in such environment?

I want to find out how are you coping because our situtaion is specific.

Maybe to form here some sub-group here?


Well-known member
It's always healthy and exciting to have members from different regions and continents in these forums.

I guess there are few members here who share you the same environment. I myself met very few members from Middle East here but they don't participate a lot.


Well-known member
Wow! you have a good memory :D . Yes, i did and it's been a rich experience. But i don't remember you. Would you tell me who you are :D .


Well-known member
, i was just browsing that part of forum few monts ago and rembered somehow.
Perhaps, cause i m interested in some eastern countries.

Do u plan to go back to Kuwait once , or you are staying there?
What kind of country is Yemen?


Well-known member
I'll visit Kuwait probably in Sept and stay for a month. I haven't seen my mom for two years. I'm afraid because i haven't made close friends there.

Yemen is a poor country and life here sucks. I have great housemates and that helped a lot.


Well-known member
I'm from the USA, we're now a fascist country, does that count?

After Canada, the US is the most democratic country on the American continent. Americans should stop whining about it beeing fascist because you pay a few dollars in taxes and should stop taking the nice cars, the high wages and so on for granted.


Well-known member
Im from Syria, a socialist nation.. I live in the UAE a country with an autoritarian regime but theres alot of freedoms and respect there..

The problem with socialist nations they do what it takes to limit your vision but it doesnt work as people are not that stupid, this system is outdated and crushes the future of 'the people'..
The USSR collapsed and China let go of it before its too late..

But many arab nations are like 10-30 years behind the rest of the world in terms of governments and regimes. They still live in this so called soviet mentality... God help those living in North Korea...


Well-known member
I don't like the term "socialist", it's too vague. For example, Canada has a social-democratic government, but it's not considered a socialist country. Same thing with European countries like Sweden and Denmark. There's nothing wrong with socialism. Those so-called "socialist" countries are countries who tried to be communist but failed. Communism never truly existed because everyone who's tried it has failed.