Any advice on presentations?


Well-known member
Hi all!

In a bit of a tizzy! I have a specific social phobia of performing or public speaking. I have been trying to help myself cope with this problem and a presentation has managed to creep up very quickly on's this week in fact! It's for a small group but i'm still anxious.

Anyone got any good tips they use to help overcome their nerves when faced with doing presentations? I would appreciate any input.


Well-known member
Okay I have the ultimate cure...
Drink a couple shots of tequila :lol: I do this all the time before doing presentations and stuff. It works, sometimes I get toooo smiley and end of looking ridiculous but I have mastered it, I eat a good meal before a presentation then I have two shots and a couple of sips of cognag!


Well-known member
you must mean cognac

Do as much preparation as you can.

If the presenation is on George Washington...make sure you know everything and anything about the guy, his life, his likes, his dislikes, his family, where he lived, where he grew up , what he did, why he did it, his family, his friends, his enemies, his parents, his siblings, his cousins, his death, the generations before and after him.

Also find distractions. Print brochures or documents. Make use of audio/video/ other presentation materials. If you get the audience looking at something, feeling something, then the pressure is off of you.

Find a way to make fun of yourself and of the topic.. If you lighten a crowd up, sometimes it lightens the whole mood up. People won't feel the need to think, "here we go again" or "this sucks." If people are at ease and lightened up from the start, sometimes it makes it easier for everybody involved.

Look around and think of different thoughts.... If you have to think of everybody being naked, then do that.. Not sure why that was ever advice given in the past, never worked for me, but if it works for you, then use it.

Move around.. Don't move around too much, but move around enough to not look like a log.

For me, if I know everything I could possible find out about my subject or presentation, whatever or whomever it's on, it sort of calms the nerves a little.

For me, presentations were never the real problem... yeah maybe I needed to practice changing the pitch of my voice and so on, but for me it was always when people asked me questions where I had to defend what I said..... that always caused me problems.

Watch Steve Jobs.. One of the best presentation givers I think.. Heck, listen to Bill Clinton give speeches. They were almost masters at the way to give speeches and talk. Learn from the best.. You don't have to be a genius to give great speeches. You just have to offer something the crowd doesn't already know or think of.

Remember you are presenting to a crowd. Remember who your crowd and audience is.. If it's a bunch of people at a funeral you aren't going to say certain things, but if your at a wedding, you'll say other things.

Always remember who your audience is, it makes it easier in the end.

And always have a surprise or two and an out.. Maybe you get stuck on one topic, just make sure you have a way out if you do get stuck.

Best of all, just take a few deep breaths and relax... It'll all be over in less than 30 minutes anyway.

As far as drinking... It will only lead to major problems down the road.
Cause 2 shots and some cognac now will mean 6 shots and more cognac in the future. It'll mean one day you won' t be able to give a speech or talk because you didn't have that drink. It'll become a crutch.. A crutch you sure don't need.
funny you should mention presentation :lol:
Because I've just done one, a couple of days ago. who cares if the presentation didn't go well, the only thing that counts it that I'm free at last lol

Yea good idea nerdgirl.. I've never tried alcohol. I'll try it next time..

Lack of sleep works too I think. Stay up late: drink some coffee, run some laps in the streets. And prepare for the presentation until like 3 o clock. Practice saying it again and again. Repeat it in your sleep. Remember the key points or write them somewhere.. And circle the ones you can skip. By the next day you'll be so tired to think about anything any more. -- just the state for a presentation.

Actually I don't know if the above works or not :D I've succeeded staying up till 1:00 but the next day I became all energetic again thanks to the adrenalin.


Well-known member
best thing u can do is prepare for it. If you know your topic well then that will give u confidance. Also I know every1 says imagine the audience are naked...that doesnt work, it might turn u on :lol:!

Seriously tho, good luck and prepare for it, practice in front of the mirror, or to a friend or relative. Thats the best thing I can suggest.


Well-known member
Fact is, you will be nervous and you will experience anxiety. You may very well mess it up and shake violently in front of every one, you may be afraid of sounding and looking stupid or people judging you.

It takes a great deal of preparation to stop anxiety arising in the mind. You will feel anxious but you should remind yourself that it’s not an intrinsic part of who you are. The thing you are most afraid of is not giving a presentation or messing it up, what scares you most is the experience of losing control, big time, when you are anxious. If you never got anxious, you wouldn’t be bothered about speaking in front of a few people because you would know you would be in complete control. It wouldn’t matter if you messed it up because you wouldn’t feel scared. Your own internal state of mind is what you want to avoid more than anything, so face it, it disappears when your mind realizes there is no basis for fear.

1 .So internally don’t try to hide it or run from it, you will feel out of control. Say, “ yep, im gonna feel like this, my heart will beat faster, I may start sweating but its no big deal” Ironically, this actually helps you to accept the drug like trip of anxiety.

2. Cease thinking too much. Once you are familiar with the presentation, don’t think anything more about it or how it will go. The anxiety in your mind wants you to think about this because it blows it all out of proportion, makes such a big deal of it.

3 It doesn’t need to be perfect, expectations exaggerate what we think others want to hear.

4 Keep it simple

5 You are not your self when you are anxious so don’t take anything personally, we become vulnerable and hyper sensitive because we think ‘this is me’ and then get paranoid blah blah, it isn’t. So its like someone else (a possessed version of your self) is giving the presentation, enjoy the madness.
