anxious and sick b4 exam (agoraphobia???)


Well-known member
this morning i had my first college exam. I was was feelin sick yesterday and this morning thinking about alot, about the exam but mostly i feared the large exam hall not knowing where my seat was all the ppl and panicking about it all and i got very little sleep too. so im really down right now. i'm almost certain i failed it and the rest are not going to be better. is there anyone who have experienced this before? I think i i have agoraphobia maybe i'm not sure it has never bein so bad b4 ::(: ::(: ::(:


Get some Klonopin and Inderal to take. Also see your college's disability office and get accommodations for your exams such as write alone in a room and have more time to write the exams :)


Agoraphobia occurs when you fear your panic attacks cause you to not leave home without a "safe person" for a long period of time (weeks or more). The fact that you're pushing yourself through college shows that you're not agoraphobic. You may have panic disorder however, and if you don't keep pushing to go to classes and whatever else you do outside of the house, then agoraphobia may very well develop. Keep on keepin' on bro. That's all you can do.
