anxiety when crossing the street


Well-known member
Just wanna say to be careful when crossing the street because some people are too much in a hurry always and don't think about the person crossing. I used to think people would wait for you if you're walking but some at least where I live are "always on the go." It doesn't seem as bad as other places but still... that's all.


Well-known member
in the city, at least where I live, there's crosswalks and flashing walking/stop lights. When people abide by those rules to use the crosswalk and pay attention to the light saying "ok to walk" then theres a low risk of an accident.


Well-known member
Just wanna say to be careful when crossing the street because some people are too much in a hurry always and don't think about the person crossing. I used to think people would wait for you if you're walking but some at least where I live are "always on the go." It doesn't seem as bad as other places but still... that's all.


On the flip side of this, be extra careful when you're driving in those areas, too. I almost creamed a guy in a crosswalk the other night because I didn't see him step out into the street. Fortunately, I did spot him in time to stop, but it could have gone very badly for both of us had I not. Keep those eyes open!


Active member
We need to be careful when going on the street. There are many dangers out there and cars with careless people behind the wheel are one of the most dangerous of all.

Take care!