Another Newbie...


Well-known member
I’m 17 years old and at the moment and completely afraid of talking to people. This extends to people I’ve known all my life including family. I find that it usually it stems from a fear of being embarrassed and that I don’t want people to judge me, as a result when people do speak to me, I’m afraid to keep the conversation going, and usually talk with a low monotone voice, and try to answer in short sentences, in the hope they’ll go away.
This goes further, I do not listen to music when there are people around as I am afraid of what they will think, and I don’t share anything personal about myself; this goes for family and friends also (I’ve had 1 friend since I was 5 and I don’t even share anything with him (this includes choice of music etc.)).
I’ve just finished a 2 years at college and throughout these 2 years I didn’t speak to anybody I didn’t already know, and I always dreaded the small groups tasks, I’ve decided that now I need to make a change as I start University in September and I won’t have anyone around me then (At college my best mate was in 2 of my lessons) and so I need to conquer my shyness.
Despite this I have no problem speaking publicly, such as presentations, as I have done this many times before, I’m more bothered by the smaller, more intimate groups.
I don't really know what to expect from this forum, but I'm just after some advice as to what I can do... Thanks


Well-known member
Hi, I'm 17 too and I can relate a lot what you are talking about. But I can't understand that you are shy but don't bother giving presentations. Those are the worst ! I never had a portable music player, well I had one but never used it. When I was at home I used my PC and travelling from/to school never used it. Scared I look weird with them.
Welcome to the forum. :)
Welcome to the forum Bones. Staying abit longer maybe you will find the answer you are searching for. Alot of Nice people around here. Get to know them...


Well-known member
Welcome :] I'm 17 as well, I kind of understand what you mean when you say you aren't afraid of presentations as much. They freak me out, but not as much as speaking to people about personal things or about myself, because they don't require any emotions and a monotone voice is at least acceptable during a presentation. I'm glad you got through your 2 years of college alright. How are you 17, but you've finished 2 years of college? How do people do this, i'm confused.

Silvox Black

Well-known member
Well, for some first steps to shedding your fears, I would recommend perhaps trying to find a close companion or two that you truly trust whether it be here or in real life, whichever is easier for you. You may find that making a close friend on here would be easier to begin with. Start with casual conversation and simply speak to each other. Once you've grown comfortable with speaking to your close friends, perhaps try to find others who can boost your confidence. Of course, meeting with people on this forum in real life would be one of the best possibilities for success. Beyond that I bid you welcome to the forum.


Well-known member
Hello! What's you're 17 and already done 2 years of college? I can totally understand where you're coming from! I'm really bad at groups since I have no idea what to contribute and I often get forgotten. That's great that you can do public speaking type stuff! I am terrified of those.


Well-known member
"college" in some countries = "high school" in the US

"college" in the US = "university" in some countries


Active member
Hi welcome! I have the exact same thing, even the presentations! When I must hold presentations for a class or something, I can speak up o.o But with groups I can't get get comfortable, only with 1 or 2 persons.


Well-known member
Thanks for being so welcoming everyone...
And yeah, in the UK where I live, High School finishes at 16 (15 for me 'cos I was one of the youngest), College at 16+ (got to go College before you can go Uni) and then University from 18+.