Another Bexi Game


Well-known member
Well i ran away from these lads 1 time(intent on harming me) and then i just kept walking,got 5 miles out of town,wondering where the hell i was,turned around and came home,police picked me up close to home.


Well-known member
Red, I think you do love gravy

... well after our conversation, I think you lived on a mountain :wink:

my turn! ooh

I've been outside of the US, more than once
I have moved 7 times
I've never been to an amusement park


Well-known member
Truth - you have never been outside the US more than once.

That has to be it - don't tell me you have never been to an amusement park.


Well-known member
I have been outside the US more than once, to Canada both times :) so you are right!


Ive had somewhere over 70 stiches in total
Ive broken more than 10 bones
Ive been run over 3 times....

:?: :?: :?: :?:


Well-known member
Danfalc said:
Ive had somewhere over 70 stiches in total
Ive broken more than 10 bones
Ive been run over 3 times....

:?: :?: :?: :?:

Jesus one of these being true is one too many!

Truth - I've broken more than 10 bones - it seems the less serious 8O


redlady said:
Jesus one of these being true is one too many!

Yeah sorry i should of chosen somthing a bit more light hearted :oops:
But anyways sorry red you were wrong ive only broken 4 bones and been run over once.


Well-known member
Danfalc wrote:

Yeah sorry i should of chosen somthing a bit more light hearted :oops:
But anyways sorry red you were wrong ive only broken 4 bones and been run over once.

Hey don't be sorry - it is just that they all sounded a bit traumatic and i was just concerned - Oh man you have had near 70!!!!!!!! stiches in total, AND been run over AND had 4 broken bones!!!!!!! oh my goodness my friend - Don't mind me, even though i don't show it on the outside i can be rather dramatic - yeah there is a whole stage play community living inside my mind - Don't let me make you feel apologetic ok 8)

Hey Grumblina - To pickup and fly anywhere, lucky you!!! I will take a punt on New Zealand - crosses fingers.


Well-known member
ive never driven a car on the road without someone else present in the car

i've wrestled someone twice my weight

i scored a hat trick (3 goals) in a high school varsity hockey game


Well-known member
Hey man - i am going to take a punt and say that you scored a hat trick in hockey - there IS a lot of ice in Canada, isn't there ? Yeah well tha's my unsure rationale :roll:


Well-known member
Yeah there's plenty of ice around here. But that said, I've can barely balance on the stuff; skating is out of the question.

Nope, I wrestled a kid in grade 9 gym class. His 210lbs or so to my 100lbs. I was little lol

Anyone wanna venture a guess at how fast that bout ended? HA