Anger without enthusiasm.

I think a large part of why I experience depression is due to the fact that I have tremendous difficulty expressing anger.

As described in this paragraph:

Depression is anger that has been defeated or ignored. We show anger in order to either intimidate someone else, or to protect ourselves...when that doesn't work, and when the problem isn't worked out or solved...depression is the result. Depression is anger, turned inward.

Makes sense, as it sort of feels like something is burning a hole through my chest right now. Anyone else relate?


Do you know what you are angry at? I usualy get angry only in that particular situation, and may or may not express it or express it fully (if I told people at work for example they are bitches and should go to hell, I wouldn´t last long :)), but I think it´s normal and desirable supress anger to some extent. I tend to forget quickly as well, especially if the person is nice again, I tend to forgive a lot. Unless I know the person is really bad and rotten, fake, then at least I try to disappear quickly and not think about her.


Well-known member
I was a hot head when I was younger,got that from my Father's side,where almost everybody are:D,now older I am ok,but I did some stupid shit that when I think back,I am like what the hell was I thinking :confused:,some of those things came back to bite me later,which was nice,because you learn to control more.


Well-known member
yeah it makes sense. Because a lot of times it feels nicer to be angry than depressed.
The only reason I choose depression over anger is because I don't wanna break anything.


Well-known member
I can totally relate. I feel alot happier when i try not to hate the world for everything. I used to be angry at joe blogs for driving x brand car or for having a beautiful girlfriend. Its not fair because i struggle with the simple things. Its hard for me to even watch the news because it just reminds me of heaps of crap people take for granted, and i feel angry.

End of the day, its no ones faults and crap happens. I feel alot better when i try to eliminate my anger at everything in sundry.

Thats how i feel anyways.


Well-known member
Well, I experience both depression and anger intermittently. I'm easily prickled, and I seem to have a very short fuse as far coping with annoyances. Because of it, I readily snap whenever someone says something even mildly wrong, and it seems as I'm forever being defensive due to some perceived verbal attack which, in all reality, was pretty innocuous. In addition, if I'm in a bit of a funk, I tend to spoil everyone else's mood, too. Kind of like if I can't have fun, nobody can. I can't stand that trait, it makes me feel like a spoiled child throwing a temper tantrum.

The depression on the other hand is kind of always in the background. A sort of dark cloud that I can never seem to fully shake. At best, I get a temporary respite when things aren't going too badly, but it never quite goes away completely.

I think the initial quote in the first post of this thread is pretty succinct though. It makes sense to me, at least.


Well-known member
I guess i walk around with alot of "baseline" anger if you know what i mean? Not really any external cause but created by ideas in my mind. I see something and it triggers me thinking about my own life like seeing normal people and feeling angry why cant i be normal. When you said anger and depression it just reminded me of it.

But i think your refering to when someone or something directly causes you to be angry? Say someone cuts you off while your driving or some random person insults you for no reason? When this happens to me i go into a rage in my mind and i lose control for a short time, but because i got SA i dont express it, but i know ive lost control and i feel very bad. I know i used to relive the event for hours after it happened saying things in my mind like "its not fair, why does everyone have to pick on me" or visualizing over and over destroying the person who was responsible. I think a few things save me from that at the moment. I believe that my anger is my own so when im back in control i own it and realise that it has arisen from inside me because of crap ive experienced in the past. This person has no physical way of making me feel like that, they have just triggered something inside of me. The other thing is that i believe in karma and its not my responsibility to deal out punishment to people.

Sorry if ive misunderstood what you mean, they are just my personal experiences with anger, im trying to relate so maybe we can help each other :)


Well-known member
I can't see how anger = depression. If you have repressed anger getting you down, there is clearly something that needs rethinking in the anger department.

Best to diffuse anger than let it grow into something more*, and learn to find reason in it's beginnings. *(aka the dark side effect for the starwars fans out there)


Well-known member
This is just my take on it. If someone almost hits you with a car is there a reason to be angry? Its not as though he was deliberately trying to murder you. Probably the normal person response to that situation would be to get upset but i got anger problems. I directly relate my anger problems to my depression because my depression is heaps better since i dropped my anger. I dunno its as though i know that my anger only hurts myself and ive been living with hate for so long ive just had enough. Normal people have the luxury of getting pissed off but i dont and im totally fine with that, actually i feel calm. Im gonna be calm no matter what, ill let the idiots sort themselves out.

Maybe you cant feel angry because you have too much anger inside and if you let it out you will feel you cant handle it?

It also helps me to think about my past, i know i suffered alot of violence as a child and you just cant forget stuff like that. I mean i cant remember much but i think i remember the feelings. That also helps me deal with my depression because i can kinda understand where my feelings come from, helps me to accept myself.

My opinion is dont forget what has happened to you. Maybe you have been through some bad crap aswell?


Well-known member
maybe the problem is not with the expressing anger,but the persons weakness to express it.for example u could be angry at a person,but i bet the fact will be that the other person gonna be stronger than you in a physical or mental state,and if you tried to fight him/her or whatever at the end you would still be on a losing position,thats why you choose to keep it 4 yourself and let it grow.
I think if I could feel anger I would avoid continually falling into depression like I do anytime somebody offends me. [...] My point is that I'm unable to.

I'll take that as a personal challenge. Before this decade is out, I will make you angry. :p

As a kid I used to express my anger, now I don't and just end up at a prolonged level of irritability which doesn't rise to the level of anger. I'm not sure which is better.