anger management


Well-known member
you probably already know the background of my situation from my previous posts,

but during couples counselling this week, my wife accused me of being a ragaholic of all things, i think im quight normal, i get angry in certern situations is expected being a male.

like when i clean the house from top to bottom, go to work for 12 hours, come home, and i cant even sit down anywhere, because shes thrown garbage all over the house again, for the 10th year running. i get angry yes, i may complain, i may show angry emotions, i dont run around screaming, raising my voice, being violent or breaking anything.

although she then started telling the person that i headbutted a wall once, ffs that was over 10 years ago when i was 18 years old. when we first met, and i didnt even do it hard, i was surprized at how easily the wall dented.

anyway, she wants me to go see a psycologist my self, i think this is more of a control me and she wont have to change, im not going to live in her garbage dump and be happy about it. especially when i pay the bills.
Wow. It sounds like she trying to shift the focus from herself to you. Were you able to tell the couples counselor your view of things? Or was your wife the only one talking? Hopefully if the counselor is any good she can help your wife to keep focus on fixing her problems, and not allow her to keep pointing fingers in other directions.


Well-known member
the problem with these people is, they lie, shes smarter than me, and will do anything to justify her clutter and hording.

shes a 3 toed sloth in my opinion anyway, wont work in an iron lung, wont do jack shit, and you cant blame everything on ocd.

maybe i am a rageaholic, maybe its been hidden and repressed for so long oof our relationship, maybe thats why i get zero complaints at work, im in law enforcement, think some drunk twhot would get me fired up on a friday and saturday night, nope. i dont get complaints, im level headed, which is why im refusing to beleive this crap.

sure when i was a teenager, i probably broke a few things having a hissy fit, still do feel like hitting something inanamate when im truly ticked, but i dont.

who knows what this counseller thinks, she does a lot of hand movements, and i hardly pay attention to her, im usually half asleep as im working a lot of nights. not that im allowed to sleep in anymore, even if i just finish work at 7am...


Staff member
I think I'd just move on in your position, sounds like you put up with way too much


Well-known member
she wont leave, ive been the sole income provider for 10 years, im not going to walk out on not only my daughter but all the things ive earnt, she just expects me to walk away and take everything as well as my earnings still.