Am I shy or is it social phobia?


Well-known member
sa or shy

Who knows what anybody really has...

There are plenty of therapists and doctors who are nothing more than legal "drug pushers" so while they have the diploma's, degree's, and experience they aren't always totally reliable either.

Plenty of people are misdiagnosed all the time.

What you post could be SA... It might not be.... Who really knows... Nobody really does because in five years half the things that are problems not might not be problems in the future and vice versa.

Regardless of who gives you what advice, if at the end of the day you believe it's having a negative impact on your life, than it's probably more than just shyness.


New member
Same problems

Hello to everyone, i know this topic was dated long ago but I like to add.....
As blink said about his problems, I kind of agree i have the same... For example I can talk to my friends and not be shy in front of them, I make new friends almost everyday but my problem is im very shy infront of girls especially if i want to hit on them or like them. Also my heart starts pounding and i start sweating everytime I have to do a presentation, which I cant speak my mind out because im nervous.Although i never try to skip them, and try to finish it as soon as i can.It's still really hard for me for a wierd reason. Sometimes i just have to calm my own self down so i can go up and speak or else i would probably start stuttering. How i try to calm my own self is, i talk to myself in my mind calming my heart down... I dont know how you guys will understand that but that seems to work. I need some advanced help with skills and not being shy to talking to girls I mean, 1 on 1 with a girl im fine with that, but i just dont udnerstand because sometimes im shy and soemtimes not...Please email me at "[email protected]" if you believe youll be able to help. I dont think i have a SA because i believe your talking skills has to do with your shyness. If you know how to talk and convince well, you become less shyer... Yea i dont know if anyone can help me on this forum but im looking for some responses... Also i think because of shyness, it effects your social and sex life by ALOT!! Ill add on more when people respond