am I really anxious on socializing or just really really really shy


I mean I haven't been tested by a real psychiatric on my social anxiety, I mean what if I'm just really really really really shy and just assuming it to be social anxiety just because I have been trying those tests online and always my score out of 1 to 100 (on them) are about 76-82 depending on the test, and I know that it's not an official thing and always at the end on my score explanation it says that I should go to test it for real because according to them it's concerning and not normal for my age, which many people say it is but I also think that it's not. I'm nearly 16-years old and I have had this ever since I was 8, only thing is that now it's worse. But, what if I'm just imagining it..

Yes, I am really really really anxious in social situations and usually I just go away or try to avoid them as best as I can, just because I'm not a huge fan of an anxiety nor panic attacks and if my parents are around, well mostly mom because dad starts to shout at me and asking what's wrong with me I shouldn't be scared of people etcetc.. so anyway, I just cling into my mom and let her do the speaking.
And also why I think I'm just making it bigger than it is, is because, well I'm not anxious talking to people who I think are nice or if there's a friend of mine it's just fine, I mean for 2-3 other people to be in I don't know or I know but aren't friends with them. An that thing actually happens mostly but not always.

And well, I'm tired of writing so if anyone reads that and asks me something or just writes something I'll tell more..

Also sorry for any misspellings and if this is in the wrong section...::eek::


Iä! Iä! Cthulhu fhtagn!
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A key factor in whether you have social anxiety or not is if it significantly interferes with your daily functioning. It seems you've had this for quite a while and it certainly sounds like anxiety to me. Do you plan your days ahead in order to accommodate your anxiety/avoid triggers? Are you apprehensive of places or times when you may need to be social or be in public view? These are some of the questions you should ask yourself, in addition to taking a look at the lists of common symptoms.

Also, please don't dismiss a potential mental health problem because other people say it's just 'typical teenage angst', I know I still think that sometimes. If you genuinely feel really distressed because of this, then it probably isn't just typical teenage problems and it might be best to seek professional help. Just my personal opinion.