Am I crazy?


New member
I can't make friends, of course it's probably partly due to I'm a homemaker and barely go anywhere. However, I do have a friend, my best friend, besides my husband. She and I have been friends for 20 years now, but she lives in North Carolina. I have moved closer to her, here in Tennessee, but we are still 4 hours away.
My husband has made a friend of a b@%$#, and that is partly my fault for "allowing" it. You may think that sounds crazy, me saying "allow" like I run him, but you'd have to know the whole story.
Part of that story goes back years, to when he made me tell another one of my best friends(of whom was a guy) that he didn't want me to be friends with him anymore. I knew Junior way before I met my husband, infact, he had literally saved my life on my 17th birthday, when my boyfriend(and first son's biological) had left me in a ditch to die after beating me to a pulp. He picked me up and drove me to a mutual friends apt. and iced my bruises, and set with me that whole night. Well, out of respect, I guess you'd say, and love for my husband, I went to Junior, in front of his wife, and crying, told him I could no longer be friends with him. Even his wife cried, not understanding why. She knew how close Junior and I were.
Anyways, he tried to get me to be friends with her, but when all I see is them saying things that a married man and a single b@#$% shouldn't be saying to eachother, whether in fun or not, my mind races. And, yes, he has cheated one time 8 years ago, never again. So, he says I'm crazy(which is true, lol), but they don't respect me enough to chill out, of course I sit here all day, and I guess you could say I "hallucinate" or whatever, that they are laughing at me, and doing things. I want to get her!! But, I have kids, so of course I won't chance going to jail. She says things like "well, I'll always be in your life no matter what" and **** like that to him. And I am not saying it's all her fault, my husband doesn't love me anymore, I guess. They work together, and then he gets home and he gets online with her, sometimes till bedtime. I have told them both how I feel. And, even before he met her, I had told him I feel my manic depression, and other problems I have, have been getting worse and I'm scared. Yet, I'm scared of going to a doctor over it, go figure, lol. He thinks everything is in my head(my problems, diagnoses). They are not. Does he not think I want to be somewhat normal? Of course I do(only a lil ;-)). I tried to be friends with her, but like I told my husband, I can't have a friend someone else picks, and one I don't trust. I rarely trust anyone as it is. Am I wrong for feeling this way??? When I confront him about it, he just gets defensive, even defends her actions at times. Like I said, it may be innocent, but when the wife asks you to chill, you should. It's like they patronize me and ****. I'm sorry I know this was sooo long. Thanks to the ones who took the time to listen to me cry. Am I wrong for being so ticked off and hurt? Am I crazy????


Well-known member
Hi jcoffeecat!

I'm new here too.. Okay, being home alone with kids and never going anywhere is enough to make you go 'crazy' (in any sense possible!)
There's a reason that show is named 'Desperate Housewives'!!

How old are your kids? First of all, it would be great if you could manage to get some way to go outside and mingle with grown ups who are at least somewhat interested in the same things you are. Are there any free classes or playgroups or other homestay Moms you could hang with? Or could you get any babysitting for at least a few hours a week?

I'm not a Mom and not living with a man, it seems to me staying home with the kids and being miserable about it all is not a good thing.

You are right to choose your own friends.
Is there a way to reconnect with any old friends, like on Facebook etc?
Some men can be jealous or manipulative/possessive and try to 'cut away' the woman from good friends or family.. I wouldn't let anyone tell me who I can be friends with and who not, unless there is a very good reason (eg if the person was violent etc) - well, that is just me. Your story seems quite frequent: the woman does 'everything' for the man, and he can't appreciate her and goes to search for more 'exciting' women out there (those who DON'T do everything for him, and can say no and have their own life and stay exciting etc.) A guy even said to me, 'If she'll do all I want, I'll cheat on her like crazy' (he assumed such a woman would be stupid to do all he wants, and he wanted the 'spark' of someone who can stand up to him too - not saying his attitude was right, just saying what I heard with my own ears!!) If your man is ever violent, do take care and go slowly and wisely, maybe find a support group or counselling..

It seems like a lot of resentments have build up on your side, and maybe on his side too.. The relationship may or may not be solvable, that is up to you. Just nagging him to death will probably not solve anything (I assume you tried that already?) Sometimes calm actions can speak louder than words...

So, can you work on a little bit of assertiveness and having your own life?

"They work together, and then he gets home and he gets online with her, sometimes till bedtime." - That truly sounds fishy.. or maybe he's just an internet addict? Do they play internet video games together or chat, or what?

Try to focus on yourself, what would you like out of your life, what kind of people would you like to be with, where do they hang out? Can you get your finances in order, maybe get a part-time job? Maybe if/when you become happier you will become more attractive for your man again, or you'll find a better man?! Who knows! (But learn how to have your own life meanwhile, it will be good for this or any other relationships..)

Wishing you good luck!


i dont think youre crazy at all and i feel your pain. even if the cheating was 8 years ago and you dont think hed cheat again its so hard to trust again, especially being SA, where, if youre like me, youre paranoid about damn near everybody. and sittin at home worrying about it doesnt help. it seems awfully disrespectful to me that he talks to her online all night, and even that he talks to her as much as he does if youve told him it bothers you. i know, i know, people should be "allowed" to have friends of the opposite sex, but you gave up your OLD, MARRIED friend who saved your LIFE because your husband wasnt comfortable with it. but youre supposed to be ok with some new, single broad hes made friends with? and talks inappropriately with? and sits on the computer chatting with? ugh...idk...maybe im jaded, and i know i didnt give any good advice like the last girl, but i just wanted to tell you youre not crazy, and youre not alone. you can bitch at me anytime, i understand.