All the aussies out there send a story into ACA


I sent a story into ACA the other day about social anxiety disorder to try them to get a story on it. Anyone from aus please said in a story so we can get some action. You can send anonymosly.


Well-known member
ACA is all about sensationalim and the promos for the stories seem more interesting than the stories themselves, which seem to only get a few minutes worth of screen time. I doubt they would portray a sensitive issue such as SA with respect. To be honest, i'd rather try 60 minutes, which seems a bit more credible.


Well-known member
Chihiro said:
ACA is all about sensationalim and the promos for the stories seem more interesting than the stories themselves, which seem to only get a few minutes worth of screen time. I doubt they would portray a sensitive issue such as SA with respect. To be honest, i'd rather try 60 minutes, which seems a bit more credible.

I agree.

...I mean ACA, like "Today Tonight" did a story on Cori for crying out loud!! 8O

...I get your point though: would be great if people lost ignorance about social anxiety and more mental illness in general.

Would be really great.

I see some evidence of a close minded bad outlook of people with mental or nervous disorders. One example from tv is a new ad for some chicken product probably know it (I'm assuming you're from Oz!) ...but the whole attitude of it -it is some lady going on about how if you don't like chicken then "there is something VERY wrong with you..." and then it goes to a clip of two office workers standing by a water tank and her saying how you can pretend you are normal or something. reeks of total ignorance and prejudice towards anyone with a psychological disorder. And that kind of attitude gets my goat -cos I bet that people who think like this (and who'd even find an ad like this funny) are either really immature or (/and) have got their own issues that they just tuck away.

-I hate such negative sort of attitudes.

Today in my new job, I visited a guy who on my roster it was said had long term mental illness. I was worried and a bit negative before entering -because he was a guy and because he had a mental illness. I was concerned for my safety.

...but when I got there and he was so friendly -he talked to me whilst I was cleaning his kitchen -and I was reasonably disarmed. I mean, I was still wary, because he was a guy and I was alone with him in his home (I am a home care worker -I clean houses of the elderly and/or disabled) but even his mental illness didn't actually make him more dangerous ...if anything he seemed a little more trustworthy; and was actually kind and likeable.

I felt sorry for him living in such a dingy appartment -where anytime a neighbour uses water, a screeching noise blasts your ears for several minutes ....and the kitchen (not to mention the toilet) was a real mess. ...He's in his 40s I'd say. A nice guy and I think of how he lives like that.
But he is a nice guy and likewise, I hope that he gets happiness in ways that maybe a lot of people wouldn't recognise.
And I liked cleaning his house for him.[/i]