

Well-known member
I find im nervous and uncormfortable in a pub or bar until i've finished a few pints then i calm down. Then i started to drink at home so i didnt feel on edge at work or out in public. I used to be a "functioning alcoholic" as my friend said, id be drinking too much but i'd still make it to work on time. I didn't do alot but i made it in.
I've kinda sorted my self out nowadays, i still like a drink but im not drinking everyday. I think alot of it was because i had turned 18 so i could buy it all myself and i went a bit hog wild.

why did u " want" to stop
I can understand and symphatise the way you feel you need alcohol to cope. I did the same myself. I don't want to preach or patronise, but I really was there myself. Been there, done that, and just want to tell how I exprienced it.

The bad news is that alcohol will counterpunch you at some point. That's what it did to me. For some time alcohol works as an anxiolyte -you feel cool, relaxed, humorous-all the things you would be without that anxiety!...but unfortunately in the long run it starts working other way around making your anxiety worse, affecting the mood etc.

The trouble is: there is a vicious circle. Anxiety leads to drinking as a coping method. Drinking leads to more anxiety -and believe me this is inevitable. You then need more drink. Then you get more anxious. At some point you will develop more severe phobias; panic attacks and agoraphobia plus depression. And so on.
Besides: sometimes when drinking I over did it. I drank to stupor and embarrased myself. After that it was even more difficult to face the situation/people withpout a drink -or at all!

The secret is not to stop drinking altgether as this would be giving in to the anxiety and SP. Nor is it drinking excessively -or as medication -for the same reason. The secret is simple: You must break the vicious circle from somewhere. Where? It dos not matter. Just somewhere. I did it by hitting my own negative thoughts about myself. I worked on them -they are there in your subconscious mind- and finally killed them. I replaced them with positive beliefs. Whereas before I had anticipated automatically embarrasment, anxiety etc I started to -automatically- expect nice things, success. This was of course not as easy to do as it is to write, but it certainly was doable. So, I broke the vicious circle. Now I can drink, and can be without a drink and still go for a party and enjoy myself.

So my point is: by all means drink if it's fun, I do as well. But when you start using alcohol as a necessary medication for coping, then you have signed your own destiny to be a failure. Don't give up, the bloody vicious circle can be broken!

all the best,


A little alcohol always fixes me up <3

Having a great day now all by myself in my room now that I'm drunk :D


Well-known member
im too young to drink but i tried some wine today and it flt like acid going down my throught,like th way it feels after you vomit.what would caus that?


Well-known member
I can get tipsy, and that helps my anxiety a lottttt. But if I get full on drunk, it gives me panic attacks.