Alcohol=no anxiety


HughJass said:
I love drinking alcohol when I'm at home or somewhere were everyone else is drinking, but I find I'm terrified I'll make a fool of myself if I drink anything before dealing with people who aren't.

At home if does relax me and help me get over the day's anxieties.

I was like that. I was petrified of getting drunk away from the home. I knew when I got drunk I get a lil hyper and wild. I lose fear of people and tend to careless about what I do or say. Can often end up very crude :? but in a funny way.

But now I have started going to meets, where I need alcohol to actually get through it. I know I am a handful when drunk, but I am starting to enjoy it.

Being able to stop once I've started seems to be a problem for me. I cant just have the odd drink, if im there to drink, im there to get drunk :(
I know I should be able to control this and I have tried alternating alcoholic drinks with non alcoholic ones. This does help but at the end of the evening I'm still drunk, just a lil more controlled.


Active member
I have found that when I drank my anxiety would increase and the next day was just as bad. I stopped drinking 3 months or more ago and I have to say that it is the best thing I could have ever done for myself. My anxiety has lessened and when I go out I am more relaxed and do not feel a need to drink at all. It really helped me to stop drinking.


Well-known member
My SA appears to be hereditary. My dad was awful when he was younger. He became the worst kind of alcoholic - lying, cheating, abusive towards my mother. It turns out he was super unsure of himself, and really needed an outlet and a way to function properly.

Since I heard that I was determined to be as straight-edge as possible. I'm trying to stay clean and focused and deal with it in a healthier way than him. Alcohol certainly does make things easier though. It's important to take it in moderation and not to lean on anything too heavily. I did have a disturbing thought though - every woman I've hooked up with or kissed was a result of being drunk. Makes you think.


Well-known member

end of story.

All it does is mask things. I dont care what your problem is or how bad it is, or how much better you feel with alcohol, it complicates things and will make your progress a lot harder.


I've gotta admit, I use alcohol to calm my nerves when I'm around people. Sometimes I just forget that I've got a pint infront of me and continually sip at it like it were water when I havent spoken during a 'conversation' for a while. I used to smoke a lot of cigarettes, and cutting back on them has resulted in a greater alcohol consumption. lol, its probably just as well that Ive also cut back on the amount of days I go to pubs.


Im trying hard these days to not have a few drinks before going somewhere social because i find the next morning it makes me feel like crap, not hangover crap but i feel dissapointed in myself and i worry if people could tell i was drinking beforehand. Its a very dangerous thing my father was a SP and used alcohol thoughout his life to cope and eventually killed himself at age 45 because he was so depressed he couldnt find a way out. I feel it can really make you fall into a foggy haze of self destruction and no way out.


Well-known member
I don't necessarily use alcohol to calm my nerves all the time, but when I do go out I definitely LOVE having a few drinks. Makes me loosen up a lot and makes me wayyy more confident. Like if I go to a club or something I don't really feel 100% comfortable dancing if I hadn't had a drink. But once I get a a drink I start to have a lot more fun.

Basically, alcohol makes me feel like I'm the coolest mofo on the planet. Haha.


i have a presentation next week... and i think i will drink some rhum....never drank alcohol....hmm... how much you think i can drink to be "cooler" but not drunk??


Well-known member
uh..people...not sure if you knowthis..but alcohol just ends up making anxiety worse after a while. It enters the blood stream and the body can become slightly dependent. without constant use you get the't most like a caffeine rush.i don't recommend alcohol at all.
trust me, i used alcohol to numb myself quite a few time I drank during my lunch break at work and ended up on my knees in the work restroom vomiting for the rest of the day. 8O