Alcohol...good or bad?


Well-known member
What are your experiences of drinking with SA? I've never had a serious drink in my life (sips of parents beer and glasses of wine don't count at as serious...) and it's kind of worrying me. I want to be able to loosen up at parties (not that I go to any...) and meet new people easier. Although, I'm worried at how I will react to it. I'm also wondering if anyone has any experiences where they were drinking to loosen up at a party, met tons of people, then have those people talk to you the next day. Were you as nervous talking to them? Or was it as if you'd known them along time. I figure I'd be very friendly under the unfluence, but then the next day ignore everyone I've met.


Well-known member
If you like beer, alcohol can be okay.
When I drink I have one beer, then a glass of water, then another beer, and so on.

Getting just a little drunk, is the best in my experience. Just take it really slow, and move around a lot so you don't end up sitting in a corner, drinking and getting really drunk without realizing it.

I was at a party last weekend, and I had a lot of fun, actually. I talked to people, laughed, and sang along to a few songs towards the end.
Most of the people there were my friends, though. I'd not be comfortable going to a party with lots of strangers, regardless of drunkness!


Well-known member
Drinking gooood....I find that people are pleasantly suprised when i tie one on.

some people dont like to drink, though. and different alchohol effects people in different ways. Rum makes me sobby, for example, so i never drink it. Tequila makes alot of people want to fight, too. Haha


Well-known member
There's nothing wrong with a drink o'r two but be careful because you might begin to rely on it to be confident.


Take it slow, especially if you never drank before. Some types of liquor have a tendency to sneak up on you a half hour or so later. Sip slowly and don't chug anything.

Watch out for how strong the drinks are too. Beer is good for having a lower alcohol content. Mixed drinks, if mixed well, can easily be underestimated. You could end up with a 40-50 proof drink and barely be able to taste the alcohol in it, and that's what can lead to trouble if you don't know what you're doing. Avoid shots. Alcohol tolerance is based primarily off of weight/gender. Women are statistically more susceptible to alcohol than men, and heavier people can usually tolerate more.

As for meeting people, yea its definitely easier to talk and interact under the influence. Unfortunately, at least in my experience, this is only a temporary effect, so be prepared to still be uncomfortable with the same people the day after. Good luck. Have fun, but be safe. Everything in moderation.


Well-known member
Alcohol can be really great in moderation. I love to get just a little drunk b/c it takes most of my anxiety away so I can talk, dance and have fun at parties. Most the people I meet at the parites I don't talk to except when I see them at the parties and am drunk. However, don't get to carried away with it as I often do because it can end up very badly. I've gotten trashed to the point of blacking out and throwing up too many times and when I get this bad I do some of the most embarassing things and dread running into anyone who was at the party for days, weeks, months, or even years.


Well-known member
Self medication using alcohol is common for SA sufferers who haven't sought therapy. I do it myself before a date - I'll have a few drinks before I meet a girl. Sometimes in my late teenage years I'd have a few drinks before going to a party or when meeting friends in a nightclub. This was before I knew I had SA and since you're on this board and obviously aware of your condition you should be getting therapy and proper medication to manage your symptoms instead of resorting to alcohol (which I think I'll be receiving on my 2nd or 3rd appointment with my therapist). Hopefully in a couple of months I won't need to have a drink before a date.


Well-known member
This is one of my favorite topics- because it is something that I have had alot of experience with (both good and bad)

I'd say that alcohol has become a big part of my life since 2004 (when I turned 21. I never really drank before that -- just the sippies you've mentioned.)

Because of alcohol, I have been able to meet new people and my first (and second, and third, and fourth) boyfriends. I think it can be a good thing, because it initiates conversation, it gives you something to talk about the next day, and it allows you to become comfortable with some people. It starts the process of getting to really know someone - soberly.

Though, I have had my fair share of bad. Depending on the night, it can depress you, it can make you do foolish things (I have some real horror stories)

The key is to not go overboard. Some people can handle their limits. But, if you are anything like me (I have an all -or- nothing personality usually) then it can get you in trouble. Not that I have never been content with a good buzz or a little drunk, but that is not often. I usually prefer not to drink at all or go all out.. So, you have to be careful.
Alcohol is poison. That said, I like Heineken, rum and coke, screwdriver, pina colada. Moderation is key, drinking too much can kill you, or cause you to kill someone else.

AC/DC said:
Whiskey, gin and brandy
With a glass I'm pretty handy
I'm trying to walk a straight line
On sour mash and cheap wine
So join me for a drink boys
We're gonna make a big noise
So don't worry about tomorrow
Take it today
Forget about the tip
We'll get hell to pay
Have a drink on me
Have a drink on me
Have a drink on me
Have a drink on me
On me
Come on

Dizzy, drunk and fightin'
On tequila white lightnin'
My glass is getting shorter
On whiskey, ice and water
So come on and have a good time
And get blinded out of your mind
So don't worry about tomorrow
Take it today
Forget about the cheque
We'll get hell to pay
Have a drink on me
Have a drink on me
Have a drink on me
Have a drink on me
On me
Get stoned
Have a drink on me
Have a drink on me
Have a drink on me
Come on

Gonna roll around
Gonna hit the ground
Take another swing
Have another drink
Gonna drink it dry
Gonna get me high
Come on all the boys
Make a noise

Have a drink on me
Have a drink on me
Have a drink on me
Have a drink on me
Have a drink on me
Have a drink on me
Have a drink on me
Have a drink on me
Have a drink oooooooon me


Well-known member
I would suggest you get some alcohol and test it on your own. Then you can gauge how you'll react to certain types/amounts.
When you're at a party with people you don't know, drink in moderation.


I think the best advice has already been said a few times.... in moderation.. like most things really.I actualy think its really good for people who cant normaly socialise like us to let our hair down once in a while so to say and enjoy ourselves.Yes it is kinda of a crutch but i think sometimes we all need to have a break from our illness.

Key things are not to over do it for one... I mean beer is perfect for us really because it takes away those inhibitions so for once we can socialise freely without worrying how we come across. :)

Obviously tho if ya drink too much ya might do somthing you wouldnt normaly dream of and really regret it.. sleep with someone on a one night stand.. or just make a total jack ass out of yaself.

For a guy im really timid... dont like violence dont think it proves anything ect at the end of the day id stick up for myself but im not a violent person and if im honest kinda scared of violent situations.But last time i went out to a pub I ended up assualting a security gaurd :oops: And broke his nose and i didnt think i was capable of throwing a half decent puch.Up untill that it had been a brilliant night but cos i wasnt in good company i didnt stop drinking when i normaly would of.I was under alot of emotional stress and had been to a funeral that day... none of which was the guys fault tho who got hit :oops:

So yeah its deffo important to get to know your limits.. know when to stop before you lose ya self restraint.Different things affect different people... I can drink a case of budweiser and its just sends me dead sleepy and depressed :lol: Give me some jack daniels or vodka and coke and i feel like partying.. And i think its just as important to think about the company your in because that can really affect you and your frame of mind.If your under alot of stress or angry sometimes having a drink can just not be a good idea.

So yeah for all the times ive had a drink at a mates or out at a party or somthing because ive stuck to my limits with the on bad exception... ive met people i wouldnt normaly meet cos of my anxiety... made good times... and have good memories,and its the only break i get from my constant anxiety,and its really nice cos it reminds me I can have a good time and what not,and i am human and not some frreak uncapable of human contact :oops:


Well-known member
toothpastekisses said:
To be honest, alcohol is a life saver at parties and such. I've made so many friends due to this as it helps me loosen up and just be myself. But please don't make the mistake I did a while back and abuse alcohol just to help with everyday interaction, it's so not worth the headaches, bad skin, dehydration and certainly not a pickled liver. The effects wear off after a couple of hours anyway, so as it's a depressant you wont be feeling good despite the initial happy, relaxed attitude it induces. Enjoy booze in moderation :)

^I agree with most of what you've said. A few times I've considered having some before work or school, but then I've thought "Maybe it will seem worth it for a while, but its not going to make things a whole lot better because I'll be left dehydrated, and I HATE having a dry mouth when speaking to others, as WELL as potential nausea and a trip to the washroom after the effects wear off". It is absolutely wonderful when I haven't had any in a while. The nice thing is, when I've come back from hanging out with a group of reserved friends and we've been drinking and I'm heading home on the bus, I realize how much more relaxed I am even if the bus is busy. I can relax my shoulders, and look up from my book when I want to. Its taught me to zap myself into that mode when I'm sober, because I have to try and remember the basic feeling. (Relaxed shoulders being a big one).

I considered having some this morning before entering a school - a situation in English class, but then decided there were more drawbacks than gains. I definitely have a high chance of becoming an alcoholic, but the good thing is I realize it. Plus, the dehydrating effects are a big drawback; I have (horrible) excema and need to keep extra-hydrated as it is. Plus, yeah, all the unhealthiness for your liver if you have a substantial amount.


Well-known member
Thanks for the comments so far...they've really helped. I've decided I'm going to have a few drinks with a close friend and get her to judge if I'm allowed to continue drinking or not :p I think I have one of those addictive personality types, so the alcohol would be used very very infrequently. I'd rather be antisocial than an alcoholic.


Well-known member
It is not a good thing to drink alchool and it does not make sense to want drink.Do not you know that some alcholic people going to doctor to get rid of alchool and contributing some social groups and confessing that they are alcholic.Do not want thi, I think.
Going to parties and having fun is okey but drinking is too bad for your mental health and your body off course.