Age limit

I don't wanna be old. I wouldn't go as far as wanting to be dead before I reach a certain age. That's going into the whole "I hope I die before I get old" thing. But really, I don't want to be old. Oh pleasee, I don't know how to act as an old person, or be one. I worry about it all the time though, I probably shouldn't. I mean everyone gets old.


Well-known member
If I don't have one relationship by age 30, I'll jump off my favorite mountain.

Only problem is I don't have a favorite mountain yet. 8O


Well-known member
if i don have a friend by time im 19 i just give up. Ill wanna go out in a speeding car crash:). Seems like fun


Well-known member
My age limit is 40. Don't know why, just an arbitrary number. During times I'm feeling really hopeless about my situation I think that 40 years is long enough.


Well-known member
I told myself 25 years and years ago. Well... my 25th birthday was last week. I have hope I don't think I'm ever gonna end it myself. Though I wouldn't mind getting in a horrible car crash or dying in like a skydiving accident or something before I get too old. Although I know this line of thinking is wrong (IMO) I can't shake it currently.

Really I always wanted to die young in some freak accident by impalement. I don't know why but I've fantasized being impaled on a metal pole or something. Something about just hanging halfway down a pole, feet and arms hanging and head tilted back, blood gushing out sliding down the pole and trickling out of the mouth, eyes closed peacefully. I drew a picture of it before and it still remains my favorite sketches I've done.

Again morbid and disgusting but its a current warm thought I can't shake.
my limit is 135
Sammy Hagar said:
One foot on the brake and one on the gas, hey!
Well, there's too much traffic, I can't pass, no!
So I tried my best illegal move
A big black and white come and crushed my groove again!

Go on & write me up for 125
Post my face, wanted dead or alive
Take my license n' all that jive
I can't drive É 55! Oh No! Uh!

So I signed my name on number 24, hey!
Yeah the judge said, "Boy, just one more
I'm gonna throw your ass in the city joint"
Looked me in the eye, said, "You get my point?"
I said "Yeah!, Oh yea!"

Write me up for 125
Post my face, wanted dead or alive
Take my license, all that jive
I can't drive É 55!
Oh, yea!

I can't drive 55! (four times)
Uh! (Solo)

When I drive that slow, you know it's hard to steer.
And I can't get my car out of second gear.
What used to take two hours now takes all day.
Huh - It took me 16 hours to get to L.A.!

Go on & write me up for 125
Post my face, wanted dead or alive
Take my license n' all that jive
I can't drive 55!

No, no, no, I can't drive...(I can't drive 55!)
I can't drive... (I can't drive 55!)
I can't drive 55!


Well-known member
I dont want to be an old man that people percept as acting like a child..........


Well-known member
When you get old, do things you always wanted to do but to afraid. Sky diving, base jumping, hiking up giant mountains, swim with sharks, swim with crocodiles, try to fly without wings\parachute.


Well-known member
lol adults kind dont have friends ...

i hope i wont past the 18 ,cuz if i do ill probaly be rich and dont worry with friends so much. 8)


Well-known member
I am so scared of getting older. I think about it all of the time, even though it's not productive. For some reason, the topic of aging makes me very sad.


Active member
toothpastekisses said:
Nah, getting old doesn't bother me; I'm a boring person anyway so maybe I'd be happier as a pensioner?

Agreed. When I'm old staying in the house and doing nothing all day will be normal for my age.


Well-known member
Omg, why so many people think of dying at such a young age! i think that you think its normal to be in your age, remember how you look to people at your age when you was 8 year old.

i'd like to die with 100 yo falling from a failling parachute! quick and fun death o_O

seriously... i don't like the ideia that people will have to make a funeral and burry me - it think it's a waste of time and money in my case - sometimes i think of a way to avoid it:

Dear family, i meet a north korean girl in a chatroom and i'm going to marry her... i will probably join the north korean army and never come back - but i'm fine , very fine, really... i'm not death!

--Nothing against... north koreans, i really love thin eyes ;)