Afraid of greeting others by shaking the hands?



Are you afraid of greeting others by shaking the hands? I am. It's ridiculous but true... I avoid it as often as possible, when somebody
else want to shake my hand it's hard luck, but I myself avoid it maximally.

How stupid, isn't it? :lol:


Well-known member
I used to have an intense fear of touching others hands. To me it was about being too close and also the fear of getting germs from them. I no longer have that worry and can shake hands most of the time. I still have a bit of an issue shaking men's hands, but that has more to do with stuff that has happened in the past. Am getting close to getting over it though.


Well-known member
I don't have a fear about handshaking, but it does make me feel very uncomfortable, it's an invasion of personal space, and it's much more intimate that I want to be with people I'm not comfortable with. Pl;us they might not have washed their hands Ewww! 8O (I'm a little paranoid about other people's germs lol)

I hate hugging people I'm not at least 95% comofortable with too... So it's a good thing I meet new people next to never and don't have to hug anyone lol. Though I love hugs from people I am close to.

See, being a housebound freak has it's advantages, I don't have to be scared and uncomfortable all the time. :lol: Not that i reccommend it as a way of life, it also has huge disadvantages lol.

It's not stupid to be scared about it though, lots of people have similar fears.


Well-known member
I live in Germany, where hand-shaking is very common. I don't mind that so much. What's really bad is when people who know you well (or think they do, anyway), want to hug and/or kiss you when they greet you. OMG, I hate that!! My husband's friends, and the friends' wives, used to do that, and I would have to stop myself from cringeing or taking a few steps backwards when people would approach me. Now though I think they have gotten the message and don't do it as much anymore. I have the reputation for being weird and eccentric, and possibly even a little bit rude, but that's just too bad. I can't stand it when people invade my personal space.


Well-known member
haha, well as i suffer from hyperhidrosis my hands are most often totally wet, although i am probably more clean than most people because i have to wash my hands so often.
i totally avoid shaking hands with anyone.
why can't we bow like in japan? it's much better. :)


Well-known member
Well i don't usually shake hands with people. 'Cept there was a woman at my shop i work as a work placement who was working there when i came in that day. I hadn't seen her before and she hadn't me, so she shook my hand, and i think she said "Oh your hands are cold." playfully LOL, yeah, my hands do get cold but they also get sweaty in shy situations. I don't mind it, but my hands are always cold and sweaty so it's abit embarressing but if they didn't do that then i wouldn't mind one bit really.