Afraid of being old and alone?


Well-known member
This has been on my mind alot lately, and it's scary in a way to think that I will be very much alone when i'm in my senior years.


Well-known member
I doubt you will actually be alone but may feel like it. That's many years from now and things will change. If you feel alone now, I'm sure you're not but it may feel like that for number of reasons. Everything will be fine and try not to worry about that.


Well-known member
When ever I see statements like this I alwayse wonder whats are peoples definition of being alone. I think is a very important question to ask your self when ever you make coments like that.

What I mean is looks at all those famous people who are sourrounded by crowds of people. Notice how they still feel alone. Maby someone else can add to what I am trying to say.


Well-known member
I will probably end up as one of those nutty old ladies who live in a shack with about 40 cats :roll: .


Well-known member
Why hope? Havn't you people realized yet that most of us are not made to loved by anyone (besides family)? Realize the truth and kill your false hope. If possible the best thing to do would be to train yourself to loose the ability to even feel attraction. Then you would never suffer becouse you have feelings for someone who doesn't even want to talk to you. I hope it's possible. I know at least that you can loose your sex drive if you doesn't eat enough.


Well-known member
Kien said:
Why hope? Havn't you people realized yet that most of us are not made to loved by anyone (besides family)? Realize the truth and kill your false hope. If possible the best thing to do would be to train yourself to loose the ability to even feel attraction. Then you would never suffer becouse you have feelings for someone who doesn't even want to talk to you. I hope it's possible. I know at least that you can loose your sex drive if you doesn't eat enough.

I feel like i wish i wouldn't have feelings then indeed i would have no problems, rejection hurts. I think that we make ourselves believe that we are unloved.

I am really afraid of ending up a lonely old man in a home with no family o'r friends, i mean when my parents are gone who will i have apart from my sister? And she has her own life


Well-known member
Btw, I have not managed to be free from feelings or truly killed the hope, but I wish I could. I'm christian and I make a little pray everyday that I will be able to endure life and loose ability to feel attraction or get feelings.

recluse said:
I think that we make ourselves believe that we are unloved.

I am really afraid of ending up a lonely old man in a home with no family o'r friends, i mean when my parents are gone who will i have apart from my sister? And she has her own life
I disagree. It sounds like many of us here are not very attractive neither having good personalities; so tell me if look at yourself in the mirror and really think how your are, do you think any woman could ever like you? I don't even think many of us would like to have a such partner.

Sometimes I believe that maybe I could have someone, the thoughts are haunting me. But again and again I realize that I could never live with someone. I am too weird and needs so much time alone, even if it hurts too. When being alone in your home, even though you mgiht feel some pain becouse of the lonelyness, you feel safe. No one can notices what person you are when you're not at work and such. At least I think this way.


Well-known member
To the above poster, I think I am pretty good looking but I know I have a terrible personality. It's only in writing do I feel like it's remotely worthwhile.

I used to expect (and not even care) that I would be alone when I grew older. After being in a couple of relationships, I thought I might have a chance. Those relationships failed. I think I might, could, be alone still. But, I am not as accepting as I was about this fact like I was in HS or whenever.

I go through waves of depression, hope, and life. Who knows where I will be in each stage of life.


Well-known member
lonely_world said:
This has been on my mind alot lately, and it's scary in a way to think that I will be very much alone when i'm in my senior years.

This is one of my biggest fears as well.

As I've gotten older, the amount of people that I interact with seems to be getting less and less. :roll: