Advice on next steps for treatment...


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Over the past 2 years, I have experienced palmar and plantar hyperhidrosis and some underarm sweating as well. I've always had sweaty feet but the hands seemed to become a problem later in life (in my 30's). About a year ago, I really started researching and working on solutions. I have a dermatologist that I see and right now I am doing the following:

In the morning I take 1 and a 1/2 Robinul 1 mg tablets as soon as I wake up.

I have been successfully doing iontophresis with a RA Fischer on my hands. I have to repeat the treatment every 2-3 days for 20 minutes. I add a little baking soda into the water and switch the polarity half way through.

The problem I cannot seem to get under control is my feet. I have tried iontophresis just recently and am up to 12 sessions over the past 2 weeks at 20 minutes each. But I am not seeing any results. In fact, it seems to make it worse. I also have a prescription for Lazerformalyde which helps but not consistently.

I am considering getting botox for my feet if I cannot figure anything else out. Any help or advice would be greatly appreciated.


Well-known member
Try doing treatment just on your feet. The skin on your feet is thicker than on your hands. it might take up to several months to see results on your feet. You can also use Antihydral cream on your feet. As far as getting your feet 100% dry, It might not happen.


Well-known member
I've been doing the treatment on my feet separate than on my hands. I can crank the unit up a little higher that way.

When you say several months on your feet, how often would I need to keep doing it per month?

Also, since I have a Robinul script, I considered putting some of it in the water (I read it helps). Is that good idea?


Well-known member
Feet does require more current than the hands. Try cranking up to 24 on the Fischer unit. Robinal in the water can increase the ionto effects. Everyone is so different when it comes to treatment schedules. I've gotten results where I was ale to wear sandals in the warmer months, yet still some sweating with shoes and socks. I would order some Antihydral as I suggested above.


Well-known member
So you think if I continue the ionto and crank up the amps I will eventually have success? if so, how often should I continue doing it. Daily?

What about the Botox route?


Well-known member
Your feet have more resistance to electricity than hands.. So ti increase current you need to increase voltage. Current=Voltage/Resistance its obvous from ohms law.You probably noticed that doing ionto on feet feels less painfull. Try to increase voltage so it feels same as when you do it with hands. Just dont try to over increase it, you might end up burning your skin.


Well-known member
Your feet have more resistance to electricity than hands.. So ti increase current you need to increase voltage. Current=Voltage/Resistance its obvous from ohms law.You probably noticed that doing ionto on feet feels less painfull. Try to increase voltage so it feels same as when you do it with hands. Just dont try to over increase it, you might end up burning your skin.

sound advice:)


Well-known member
I am considering trying ionto and adding in some of my Robinul prescription to see if that will help my feet. Again, I've been successful with just tap water with baking soda for my hands but not my feet. After about 12 treatments of ionto with baking soda for my feet, they were sweating much worse so I gave up. That was about a week ago.

Anyone currently using Robinul with ionto? How much would I need to put per tray (I have 1mg tablets)? Would this ensure success?


Well-known member
In clinical studies, they always use a 0.05% concentration. Do the math, and if you use 1000mL of water per tray, you need 500mg per tray as well. 1000mL = 1000g. 1000g (water) x 0.5g (robinul) = 0.0005 (0.05% concentration)

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Well-known member
I tried adding robinul to mine and it didn't seen much different then taking the drug orally.

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Well-known member
Ok. Thanks for the info. One thing I just realized is that I was doing ionto on my feet at around 15-20 on the fischer. I just tried getting it up to 25 by adding extra baking soda and I could. I could definitely feel it more. My hands work at about 12-15. You think it is worth giving it another try at 25. My only fear is that they will start sweating more again. After the last round on my feet they were sweating much worse.


Well-known member
A lot of the time people experience an increase in sweating before they experience a decrease or cessation.

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Well-known member
Ok. Thanks for the info. One thing I just realized is that I was doing ionto on my feet at around 15-20 on the fischer. I just tried getting it up to 25 by adding extra baking soda and I could. I could definitely feel it more. My hands work at about 12-15. You think it is worth giving it another try at 25. My only fear is that they will start sweating more again. After the last round on my feet they were sweating much worse.

If you start sweating worse this could be good sign... it probably means it works, so dont give up


Well-known member
It will probably work. Just keep doing it for a month or two daily before you give up!

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Well-known member
Ok. So I have given up on ionto for my feet. I met with my dermatologist last week and we discussed Botox as the only other treatment option. I tried upping my Robinul but it doesn't help. I haven't tried drysol in years but has any one honestly had any success with it for their feet. Is it worth a try again as a last ditch effort? I also have a script for lazerformalyde which kinda helps but not totally. Any Botox feet success stories or problems out there? Everything I have read sounds positive.
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