Advice for asking for treatment


New member

I wondered if anyone could give me any advice. I’ve decided to finally tell my parents about my hyperhidrosis and ask them if I can try to get treatment for it (I’ve had it in my hands, feet and underarms for about 7 years now). The problem is that I’m unsure what to tell them – I’ve only ever tried to tell my mother about it once, but she didn’t really understand and just dismissed it. Could anyone give me any advice on how best to explain it, and what I should say, as I know that people who don’t have it can find it hard to understand what it’s really like.

Thanks for any help!


Well-known member
Hi Laura ,i sweat a lot too i think that maybe u could tell to ur parents or at least before tell to one of them ( the one that u are most comfortable with and the most u feel better with) and try to explain ur problem , maybe saying that u tought that wasn't really a "illness" but that u tought that was just a period but it is since 7years..and u get information in the network and u found many materials about HH and that u wish to help to solve this problem maybe trying to explain to them how much is hard to live with this pproblem maybe they wont understand 100% because they dont have it but try to be and make them feel the most u can how u feel for the HH fault


Well-known member
How old are you? Can you make your own doctors appointments? The reason I ask is because it is a doctor who you need to tell in order to get treatment. I actually never told my parents about it. It wasn't until later when I went to the doctor for a routine physical that I mentioned it and then I was able to try some treatment options.

Next time you go to the doctor you can bring it up. Or you can make an appointment now and go specifically for the condition. If you need your parents to set it up, or take you that is fine. Just tell them that the sweat is really effecting you and you want to get treatment for it.


Well-known member
Be sure to tell your parents how HH has impacted on your life for the past 7 years. Tell them how you were afraid to mention it to anyone out of fear and that you thought you were the only one out there with this problem. Mention how you recently have done some research into sweating and that's how you found others who on this forum who have similar challenges as you do and that there are treatments I'd like to try with their support. Mention that HH is not a problem that is created in our head, yet a physiological problem of the central nervous system
