ADD or a result of NOT having a life???


Well-known member
hb h i

life (lol)??? hg ig uyfg g uiytfg uitfoi guh yftghu yguh iuyf yguuh
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i hate answering questions like this, incase i get it wrong!
but if your daydreams are happy daydreams, keep on dreaming!
its a lot better than a nightmare


i think what i mean is - if any kind of happiness comes your way, take it, grab it with both hands! and when or if that happiness runs out steal more


Well-known member
Oh my. It's like I just wrote that myself. I daydream and fantasize like crazy, I also get distracted easily, i'm restless, and I have trouble listening. I'm wondering if maybe I should talk to my doctor about ADD/ADHD, I should find a psychiatrist too since I gave up on my last one. OCD, depression and anxiety are all linked to it, among other things. Maybe you should talk to your doctor too.

Quiet Angel

Well-known member
I have ADD aswell. Difficult to control, but very
possible to manage, it just takes more effort than
the average person. I recommend coming up with
plans for yourself to make your efforts of focusing
more effective. Best of luck to you!


Well-known member
If you are just daydreaming about a person and that's why you can't concentrate, how can it be ADD? If you are just thinking about a personal a lot, that isn't that strange at all.


Well-known member
But when daydreaming becomes a constant habit it begins to cause problems. I have had the same problem. Sometimes i can't enjoy watching a film o'r listen to music because my mind wanders to a thought. It's more than a case of daydreaming, i't like and illness for me. I tend to think about what someone has said to me in the past and i get obsessed over that one thing they said. If something good has happened to me i'll obsessively reminisce about it over and over in my mind as if i am still in that situation, i guess this is because i rarely have anything exciting in my life so i live in the past too much.