ADD and food intolerances


Well-known member
Hi, I've found a quite interesting study about the connection of ADHD synmptoms and food allergies/intolerances:
ADHD From Food Allergy: The Case for Restricting Diet - ABC News

Note that for the mentioned 63% of the probands, who were included into the elimination diet, the ADD symptoms disappeared completely (according to some other german articles, which actually gave direct quotes from the study), and not just a bit, like the article might suggest. Unfortunately ABC News doesn't really reflect the hard facts here, but winds mostly in vague statements of unmentioned people and emotional, yet useless in the context, personal stories.
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Uh huh. This seems like my kind of thread. Me has ADD me thinks and a lot of food intolerancesesesesss.....

I think the OP was stricken with a known ADD ailment and forgot to post????


Well-known member
I don't know, for some reason the text I've written to it just disappeared.

Well, here's the article I've found again:
ADHD From Food Allergy: The Case for Restricting Diet - ABC News

Note that for the mentioned 64% of the proband children, who took part in the elimination diet, the ADD symptoms disappeared completely and not just a bit like the article might suggest, at least according to other german articles, which gave direct quotes from the study.
Given this great results, I guess that everyone with this disorder should give a food elimination (like milk, gluten, etc..) at least a try...